Is there 'Legit' OFFLINE character editor for D2: R?

There was Jamella D2 Editor for D2: LoD back in the day. Is there something similar available now for D2: R? Maybe even a Jamella Editor?

It was fun to mess around with it a long time ago just for grins and what nots or when I was unable to play online, ahem dial up way back when.

Again, for OFFLINE mode only. Not interested in any online cheating or even offline mods.

Yes, and it’s hosted online.

You can convert the D2R character to legacy, then use Hero Editor to edit the character.

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This is fantastic, thank you!

How do you convert D2R characters to legacy?

Same tool linked above. Just click Save D2 instead of Save D2R

edited post was useless

It should be built into the game. Good way to extend gameplay.
cheaters gonna cheat anyways

It’s not always about cheating.

There are people who just want to test a build for online mode before spending everything they have. Others want to transfer their online characters to single player, because online mode is a super buggy queue simulator. Others spent thousands of hours on d2 online and have no way of playing those characters on the new engine, but don’t want to start from scratch.


It’s only cheating if you’re playing against other people who don’t have access to it.

However, it’s only possible to use on single-player offline characters, which has no effect on any other person.


yeah, I get it.

I would suspect that most players from the original game have used trainers to test builds and see what each skill does. Nowadays folks can just look at youtube for hints.

I would recommend an easy arcade mode to provide that same function.

imagine playing this game without the internet lol… I mean google only had came out two years before the game! And everyone knows webcrawler sux :stuck_out_tongue:


What if you’re competing against yourself and don’t have access to it? Is it still cheating?

Bonus Round…
If you have an argument with yourself and lose… does it mean you have multiple personalities?

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I just made allot of characters, didn’t have any real internet sources for what to do and no respecs, so you that was the way I tested stuff.
Failed builds became nice high level mules :wink:

yeah beauty. probably more fun then just setting some values and messing around for 10 minutes

As mentioned, you use this online conversion:
Just save as D2. Note that D2R’s stash is much larger than D2, so you might want to reduce the amount of stuff you have in it. Hero Editor will show error messages about the items that are “Out of bounds” in the stash, but will still load the character.

How can they ban you? When you play offline, you aren’t using their servers. Characters are saved locally. They have no idea what you are doing. You can name your characters anything you want (within limits of the file system). Names that are flagged as offensive can be used with offline characters. So no, they won’t ban you.


Thank you =)

You obviously don’t realize that this can be used for testing or, as I plan to, migrate by Online character to Offline so I can ./playersX and mess with some minor mods in HC. Character editors provide a lot of utility and, again, it is for SP where we can modify the game to hwo we’d like.

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It actually was fun indeed, although I must admit it had more use back then, because if you leveled the new character on a new account you would also perm the account and thus have even more muling space :stuck_out_tongue:
Might be different for others of course, but even now I am leveling one from each character and doing it solo it isn’t as much work as (I think) most people think it is.

Well that changed my mind, taking my online character to offline mode would be awesome. I didn’t realise that an editor allowed people to mod the game beside the character itself. If this is how plugy got created, I’m in. Thank you I will edit my post
Just for fun, not that I need another lvl90+ sorc since my sp sorc is higher lvl and better gear than my online atm

Thanks for the link. It took me a while to use it, but once I did I noticed that it was still in the beginning phase. It even said that in so many words.

I noticed the character editor was buggy as heck. It’s very difficult to equip a character. I still can’t fully equip one. But I was able to mess around with the skills to test out lightning build for the assassin. Good thing I didnt waste a respec for lightning and another respec to go back to fire. I would only have 1 respec left.

I miss Jamella D2 Editor for off line play so much. Maybe someone can resurrect that one for this current D2.