Is there any use for 6 socket bows?

I mean, besides Breath of the Dying? Seems like all the best bow runewords are 4 socket. Am I missing something?

You can also make the runeword ‘Silence’, but it’s not particularly sought after. Four sockets is a lot more desirable.

For runewords, nothing special.
But it can have 6 facets, that’s specially good for fire bowazons. But Matriarchal bow with +3 bow skills and 5 facets its still problably better.

You can put in 5 Ber and a shael to do a crazy uber build. But this is obviously a niche.

the 6 socketed bows are utilized in D2RClassic for physical bowazon, where there are no runewords, no jewels and no charms no rare, unique or set upgrades due to no runes, and only normal uniques drop, so the only way to kill physical immunes is to have a bow with 6x perfect topazes or 6x perfect rubies… that’s literally the only way for a physical bowazon to kil a PI

I like to use a 6 bow like this in combination with a Fire Sorc that has Enchant high.

Plus a 3 helmet and 4 armor.

In the bow 6 Shael runes and in the armor and the helmet +15% IAS jewels. In the rest of the equipment something with Manaleech, some Lifeleech or you have +Mana after kill in mass. A mercenary with Insight is good for this.

With the Sorc’s weapon enchantment, you can easily do 3.5-4k damage with fire.

With the equipment you can kill everything in seconds with multiple shots at maximum until the end of Nightmare. Even in full games.

This makes it easy to level up solo and you don’t have to hang around in the boring Baalgames.