Is there a logical reason anymore against personal loot?

If there’s ploot then there can’t be increased drop rate for all players in game

Otherwise it would be 8x the drops for organized farming groups

Imagine Mephisto runs where you all take a tp to meph and he drops 8x the items at players8

Gg game has no loot challenge ever again

yeah obviously it would be the same drop rate per mob, split evenly between all chars in the area, else it wouldn’t work. Some players would get 0 items on a boss, but no biggie, it’d be an option, not forced upon anyone.

I won’t be surprised if they add this. for me it will feel even less like d2, but tbh I’ll still play it, cuz there aren’t a lot of good hack n slash games I haven’t gotten bored of, so meh.

At this point, it’s just not the D2 revival I was looking for, but I’m still playing. It’s just not the same. oh well.


There’s always going to be a line they shouldn’t cross, however each and everyone’s idea of where that line is differs by a wide margin. Blizzard is treading into unknown territory, and I would hope they exercise extreme caution moving forward. Know when to leave something alone… Knowing when something needs a bump, and also knowing when something needs to be pulled back a bit… cough Hammerdin cough

just give MP p1 instanced loot
these people would be playing alone anyway


keep the game the same as it was in (insert any random patch)

you can blame the poor 50% hp increase/player in the game for that

thats why ploot only works with p1

That ship’s long past sailed.

Honestly at this point they might as well just keep going.

More uniques, more set items that are crossovers to other classes, teleport on every slot…

they’ll probably add primal legendaries in 2023, and why not?

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Well for the stubborn nochange purists, yeah… That was done when the game was released. The games toenail grew a bit, that was enough to cross that line.

I was on that side of the fence for a bit, but I knew that changes were coming. So I’m trying to keep an open mind about them.


ploot would work just fine with an easily distributed random roll on drop. Many games do this, it’s not hard.

I don’t think that’s a fair framing when we’re talking about literally getting rid of immunities, and making one of the most sought items (infinity) basically useless.

These charms are going to be so much more common than infinity.

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which is worst loot/h than playing alone
ploot needs to be as good as playing alone

Yeah, but most of the builds using the sundering charms still need infinity and/or other means to reduce monsters resistances lower than the 95% the charm reduces the immunity to. Cold sorc obviously has the lead in this with cold mastery.

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yeah but that’s why it’s an option. noone has to play it, there will still be plenty of players more than willing to get less loot/ hour to have a fairly distributed allocation of loot when playing with friends, or would-be friends.

bolded the relevant portion of your post. It’s relatively easy for lightning sorc outside infinity.

1.13 (essentially) only worked for a mere 12 years XD

if its worse, its not really an option imo
i rather play alone

if you want to encourage MP partied, it cant be worse than solo


Careful bud, your D3 is showing.

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then you and I will play solo, but this is an option many players prefer, even if it’s far worse loot/hr. Not everyone plays just to get item-rich, they would prefer play with a fairer system. I think they should have it.

Sure it can, plenty of people would still play MP with randomly distributed loot, with no changes necessary to the loot table.


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In fairness:

  • A lot of people would have rather had 1.09 or 1.08. Patches 1.09 and 1.10 had the highest attrition rate within my clan if I remember right way back then

  • Also, a lot of people would like more adopted from insert popular mod and/or for D2R to release more tools to the modding community

Just because the game stagnated at 1.13/1.14 due to continued resources doesn’t exactly mean that was the best version. A lot of people would have argued 1.08 and 1.09 specifically back in D2:LoD’s prime era.


Drastical changes ? Hahahahahaha … Theyve done dumb Lil changes . Melee still crap tier compares to casters …

This forum (and seems like Also te dev team) , only consider diablo tru the Magic users eyes… the addition of sunder charms (wich gives Zero benefit to Phisical builds …reapers>>>>sunder crap) the changes to “fix” some melee skills by straight up nerfing em (the Ww catastrophe , the druid… lol Assassins, vengeance being a meme for ages and so on…)

What changes ? You mean changes to benefit casters and classes that already has the Best builds ? Bcuz melee /Phisical still ay the bottom with outdated ar mechanics/ useless heavy armor . Beyond pathetic 2handed weaponry , Zero aOE. … all the good ol downsides that comes with daring to not use a caster… (how daré we !! Filthy sinners!?)

1.08 was loved for its items, but the patch itself was too short to be relevant. People loved (from an LoD perspective) primarily 1.09, with 1.10 being still quite popular, but the D2 population waned heavily once 1.10 came out.

I’m not convinced. I think that if the stress of competing for every drop was removed that many people don’t need it as good or better. Simply playing with others (for fun) and speedier leveling is enough incentive.


i sure will

but more would prefer the p1 ploot option

but why not bring those to MP too?

p1 ploot sounds more fair imo

if even the ladder needs incentive…

the problem with this is that it forces everyone into this gametype. No one would ever play FFA loot again(except maybe players ignorant of the mechanic, and ones using pickit) if each player in game got p1 loot.)

The upside to the personal loot random distribution is that it doesn’t change the economy outside those games, it’s simply a fairer way to distribute for those that want it.

the p1 system would cause a large influx of items that would not otherwise drop. Every item becomes more common with that system, which is why I don’t like it.