Is it better to put Faith on Grand Matron Bow or Matriarchial bow?

I hope this isn’t the wrong place for the question.

Thank you in advance for your help.

GMB is going to be the better base if you want high end damage. Because the +% damage is static on Faith, you know what it will ultimately be. While the GMB has a lower low end than the MB, it has a far, far higher high end, and also has much lower requirements for stats than the MB. It’s unclear why the GMB has such lower stats than a lower tier bow but there you go.

Basically you want the GMB for your base for all bowazon builds.


Thank you very much!

for the most part yes exactly this, provided you have the gear required to hit the highest ias breakpoint with GMB.

GMB has higher str and lvl required but lower dex required and is also slower.

they are both elite tier bows

not quite you can actually want MB for non physical builds as it is faster and easier to hit attack speed break points with an ice runeword for instance and you can use less ias gear/jewels

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I’ll keep that in mind since Ice is precisely what I’m going for.

found this on a 2009 post

  1. Grand Matron Bow (43 average damage, 108/152 requirements, 10 WSM)
  2. Crusader Bow (39 average damage, 97/121 requirements, 10 WSM)
  3. Ward Bow (36.5 average damage, 72/146 requirements, 0 WSM)
  4. Great Bow (32 average damage, 121/107 requirements, -10 WSM)

The MB/GMB have +1-3 Bow and Arrow skills though. And bowazons need those skill boosts.

TBH I’d say neither.

Windforce on the Zon, Faith on your merc. Better overall damage by far. Assuming you go the high dex variant. I personally wouldn’t go Faith on Zon without a pride/might A2 merc. That setup tends to be annoying though if you don’t also run enigma to keep the guy from suiciding which means no fort.


This right here is the one and only truth.

You talk about maxdamage I presume.

This is something that is weird. Why they didn’t make the Defense gained from Armors based on the Strength needed to wear them? Only they will know. But it is a odd choice.

Sorry for rezzing this, but I’m so happy I just found a 4-socket Grand Matron Bow. That said, it has only a +1 to bow skills. I’m still working on finding the Faith runes (I decided NOT to make a MF character and do it all on my Physical Multishot Bowazon).

Would you use such a bow or look or is +1 bonus too bad? I think it might not matter much to my build of choice. Thanks!

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Put your faith not in the bow, but in the hand that guides the arrow. - Amazonian proverb.


Grand Matron Bow = Faith, Hand of Justice.
Matriarchal Bow = Brand, Ice, Harmony.


Eu colocaria Faith no mercenário e iria de Brand+laying of hands… mobs e bosses serão rasgados como folha de papel na sua frente.

Matriarchal Bow is faster. Its better for PvP and GMB its slower but has more dmg. But maby u can reach the ias breakpoint with Gmb u just need the right items.

The speed of the weapons in d2 u can google.

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