Is Burizo-Do Kyanon any good?

I found it on my 77 Pally, I Hated my Hammerdin, Disliked the play-style so I Been Bowazon since lvl 1. Im hoping this Burizo will multishot Lawn-mow thru stuff with a Nef knockback.

Although That Harmony is looking pretty sweet too, Problem is finding a Very fast 4 socket bow.

Harmony sucks in mid to late nightmare and hell.

Buriza is easily the 2nd best unique bow right under Windforce. Buriza will carry you through your initial hell walkthrough. You can also upgrade Buriza if you really need to.

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Buriza isn’t my favorite amazon weapon but it’s good. It’s getting me through my Hell playthrough with Harmony on switch. Finish Hell on your hammerdin and you can farm for a 4 open socket Blade Bow easy. Harmony can start to get weak in the second half of Hell but is still useable.

Can also use it if you want to play a Fury Druid or something goofy if you want to respec your Paladin to be a ‘ranger’ :slight_smile:

Buriza is fine. If you want to go xbow for sure check it out. Take a look at Hellrack though. Nice damage boost, although it’s relatively slow.

My post was 28 days ago, Im already rockin a Windforce, Thanks though!

where did you find the Windforce?