looking to make an infinity for a lightning sorceress/zon. I have 2 options right now for bases
4os etheral Thresher
4os 12ed etheral Collosus Voulge
I may use an IAS jewel on the merc helm so would the CV be a viable option? I read on another post that base damage isn’t that important on infinity.
Eth Giant Thresher >
From your two bases, you should use the Thresher.
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Yea as long as you can equip either it doesn’t really matter… you can hit your frames with either one and just changing up your gear. Just check the merc ias table.
CV obviously has the higher avg dam.
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I would go with a Thresher by far. But an Eth Superior 4OS Giant thresher is best.
As someone who has sold 3 infinities + , I can tell you this .
If you ever consider the possibility of selling it , put it in thresher . Not just Thresher , It has to be an ETH thresher [which is nice because you have one] otherwise you are going to have a hard time to sell it for anything more than 2 BERS .
Giant thresher is cool but in actual reality it is like 0.5 dps higher than Thresher , an ETH GT would have cost a lot more .
The Enhanced damage portion on infinity matters little because 95% of the main damage is going to come from you . Again most ppl who can afford an infinity is pretty rich , and rich players are obsessed with even 0.01 % , so if you end up rolling a 325% it could make a huge difference in the price tag .
If you look at the trading sites , a majority of the ’ leftover " infinity which are struggling to find a buyer at decent price are those of CV base.
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Higher avg " weapon dmg ’ , which means very little in this case .
You are forgetting the fact that fast attack also means faster application of Crushing blows , a TH will always do more dmg in the long term if the merchant actually get to take a few jabs at the bosses even for 10 seconds .
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I was speaking generally.
If you’re on Bnet, the Thresher provides more resale value. And yes, you can hit higher frames easier on Thresher. But a CV with Treach and an IAS jewel in Andys is still very good. I’ve done this on SP before because CV’s are much easier to get.
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thanks for the replies everyone. I rolled in in the thresher and got 53% lightning and 285 damage.
Ethereal Giant Thresher > Ethereal Thresher > Ethereal Great Poleaxe
Anything else is trash really. Use them for a temp Insight, or try to trade them.
Question on Infinity and how it works…
How I imagine Infinity to work is…
I equip this on my Merc and roll my Javazon into a zone full of Lightning Immunes and I just mow them down like all other mobs because my Merc is simply equipping Infinity.
How I hope Infinity doesn’t work is…
My Merc actually has to hit the Lightning Immune mob to proc the Immunity break so that I can do damage.
Tell me it works like I hope and not hope I hope it doesn’t.
it’s just conviction aura it works like conviction aura