Increase experience?

I have a Lvl 31 Bowazon and finding the end of ActIV challenging. I am thinking by increasing my experience, therefore Lvl, I might do better. Where should I play to increase my experience quickest?

The Chaos Sanctuary is level 28, so you’re already “overleveled”

Thanks for the feedback. Is “overleveled” a problem? Does my lack of progress in the game mean I have poor gear or am I just a poor fighter?

Stick to Chaos Sanctuary for now, in fact I would progress as far into normal and nightmare as you can.

Countess in Nightmare will be a good spot to start farming for a Sol rune which you can use to make an Insight bow.

Are you using Strafe + Pierce as skills at the moment?

I am trying Strafe now, but not Pierce… I need another skill point.

In reading Forum notes I think I have to finish ActIV before I can change my game difficulty from Normal to Nightmare. Is that correct?

Thanks for your advice.

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