Increase drop rates for single player

i think single player drop rates should be increased
only ever so slightly
for example if something has a 0.1 % chance to drop, make it a 0.2% chance to drop.
dont go overkill on it, but just increase it ever so slightly
since you cannot trade

Or you can mod the drop rates to make them drop as much as you want.

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Set your player count to odd numbers, except when farming Countess, always farm her in p1.

Even if they were to ever so slightly increase odds, it wouldn’t change anything with your gameplay…so you still ain’t finding your first HR…

Either way with p8 and static maps, SP does not need any changes to RNG…

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I think that’s in the realm of mod territory, rather than base game changes.
Last Epoch’s system is pretty good, but it distinguishes trade/no-trade rather than single player/ multi player. Plus, it’s extremely unlikely we ever get any significant changes to the game at this point (the last significant change was over one year and a half ago), including something “as simple” as loot drop changes.

All that being said, there must be loads of mods that have changes in that vein. The only issue is which one to pick.

no thanks
id rather farm myself to 99 legally, but even with p8
48 hours solid of cows, chaos, tz’s alsorts, but no joy with decent drops

Oh, ok. So instead of modifying the game to suit your own personal preference playing local single player, you’d rather impose your wishes on everyone, just to keep it “legal”. You don’t see anything wrong with that? :thinking:

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p7 is far better for loot than p8 - odd numbers.

Mods for offline single player are legal.

use of any mods, shouldnt be legal. thats why they are ‘‘mods’’
they are not a design of the game.

Weird way to view this as mods for offline single player are good for the replay ability of games and are very popular demand for most players. They even made some games legendary.

But suit yourself, blizzard ain’t changing drop rates for SP wenn you can easily do it yourself

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what do you think about the option in singleplayer or even in multiplayer to reset the game ingame without create a new game?

I’d be surprised if anyone was against it, as long as you can’t use it to suddenly interrupt someone’s run against their will.

This must be joke post.

So… “ever so slightly” to you is literally doubling the drop rates? Hard pass.

not really because it wouldnt be done on items that already have a high drop rate as it is, ral runes for example…