Improvement of Beast RW and werebear build and

Ever aince the change of 2.4 on shapeshifting IAS calculation, all werebear build that depends on Beast rw has been suffering because all of them are now attacking in super slow speed.

In order to compansate the lost of EIAS from werebear, please kindly consider the following:

Remove lv 13 summon glizzling bear charge

Replace the summon bear charge to +(1-3) Maul

Maul should be oskill ao all non druid class can take adevntage of maul, and give them something to gain back the lost of EIAS from the 2.4 changes.

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They need to just un-ruin werebear IAS, full stop.

I agree I’ve made a post about this when this PTR and previously when they first made the changes. The addition of Maul would restore the original function of bear attack speed on other classes but would still be a nerf from original since now you need to build, stack, and maintain maul charges. Even with the nerf I’d take it over the current state of bearform on the bearsorc which lost about 50% of its DPS in the 2.4 attack speed nerfs for transformations.

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Unfortunately that is unrealistic demand because clearly the dev has set bear to become some kind of tanky slow smashing bear instead of kung-fu bear. They left the fast and furious to the wolf.

To be honest, as long as they re-attach the base attack form to beast instead of human, bear attack speed would get a good bump already. However since they most likely wont do that…changing beast rw with +x maul oskill would be a good alternative