I'm ready to solo Season 7 on my Switch!

I haven’t played a new ladder season in Diablo II: Resurrected since Season 4. My non-ladder Summon Druid is level 95 and I mostly enjoy playing him the few times I’ve played in the past year. But with Season 7 starting tomorrow night I think I’m going to participate in ladder and solo a new Summon Druid just for fun. As that’s the one build I have the most fun with and I can play the best with regardless of my gear.

However I do have a question. What rune words can you continue to make non-ladder and what rune words are ladder only at this point? For example can you still make an Enigma, Pride or Chains of Honor on non-ladder? And if I want to have a Cure helm and Hustle Armor or Sword, for example, are those ladder only? It’s been so long since I last played I have no clue which rune words are ladder only and which aren’t.

My goal for Season 7 is pretty simple. I just want to make those mid-level rune words like Cure and Hustle. Which I don’t have on non-ladder. I wanted to test some of those newer items out on my non-ladder characters. But if it’s ladder only then I have no choice but to play ladder Season 7. And I’ll probably just solo. Who knows. Maybe I’ll join random public Baal runs if I see any.

But at this point I enjoy soloing D2R when I play in handheld mode on my Nintendo Switch. I should connect to the TV, as I’ve got a new and unopened Super Mario Bros. Fire ball controller. But I like to chill and play handheld mode because I can catch some levels anywhere I’m at.

We’ll see how this goes. I don’t expect to get very far level wise in Season 7. But I’ll try my best to at least solo my way all the way to Hell Baal and then hunt for the Bone Break sunder charm in the terror zones. Good luck to all those on console and especially on the Nintendo Switch! Best of luck finding all the gear and high runes you dream of this season!! :heartpulse:

No new runewords been announced since season 3. So where you stopped off. It remains the same.

Good luck on your adventure.

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