If you have unreplicable CTD w/o error msg... Blizz and players read this

Since game launch I had sudden crashes to desktop without any error message pretty much everyday. Could happen anytime from game initialization to anytime of play, after 5 min, 30min, 2 hours whatever. Never in any particular scenario, could be while doing nothing, running, walking, casting a spell you name it, and any place in the world. The client simply closes and I’m back to windows desktop w/o error message.

Did everything advised from update drivers, repair tools of all sorts (windows, memory, looking for ssd bad sectors etc), uninstall/reinstall game, no problem found and nothing worked to fix the CTDs.

Then I read someone somewhere talking about uninstalling a security module called WARSAW. It’s a program some banks ask you to install to increase security on your desktop to perform safer internet banking. Turns out I had that installed. For the sake of testing I uninstalled that thing using windows app service in settings, and have now passed 4 full days without a single CTD. That never happened before since launch.

Could always be something else I guess but after doing just that my CTDs are gone for 4 days. Will update this if happens again but I think Blizzard technicians/programmers should investigate the interactions of the game with this security module, could be the root issue for many CTDs out there.

Not doing internet banking on this machine no more but at least I’m able to play without crashes it seems.


I can confirm what you said. I have Warsaw too, I uninstalled and my crashes are gone! Thank you for your advice!

I wonder how many people complaining to Blizzard about “fIx ThE cRaShInG” are in the same boat?

Game has been rock solid stable for me since release, not a single crash, which is pretty unusual if the game is causing the crashes.

Good find, very good find. Thanks for sharing.

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