If you cannot create or join games, please tell them

Waiting for hours now…
It happened when i tried to join multiplayer game just after i finished one previously ( baal run).
Then my character somehow got “reverted” level back in the lobby screen and this error keeps poping up.
This looks like some issue that happens when trying to join game too fast after just exiting previous.

+1 been like this for 5 houres

wtf,im have weekend and im pay for this game!!!AND IM CANT PLAY! wtf??? why u cant just restart all servers???and all hve disconect,and mb we can login??


My character has been “stuck in game” for like the last 6 hours. I can’t make a new character either because they just fail to join.

1 Like

+1 #TiredToWait
We just can hope…


Been stuck for over 3 hours now.

+1 4 hours here le sigh

+1 Character is apparently online even though im trying to get into a game.

My character has been “stuck in game” for the last 2 hours.

+1 for last 5 hours… :frowning:

+1… since 6h+ same problem

my character is already in a game. +1

+1 for hours and counting …

I am also having this issue. I’m either told the connection couldn’t be made or my character is already in a game.

4 hours char is already logged in

+1 going on 6 hours of unplayable… effing joke. I’m bored of trolling

1 4hoursi can play ÿc1 lol

+1 For many hours + yesterday
And it’s not only me , but my whole group which i play with locked :confused:

+1 for 3hours or more now

Can you at least post more updates regarding this topic? It would help people calm down at least.

Most of us are spamming the Play button in hopes that it will work. If you tell us there’s going to be e a realm restart in 2hours at least we`ll stop clicking for 2 hours.

+1 for 7 hours so far.