If you cannot create or join games, please tell them


Also been having these issues, started at noon today.

+1 same problem for 3 hours

+1 been having this issue since 9 am… its 1pm now. i took today off work :frowning:

+1 fix me plz!!!


I had it happen for 4 hours yesterday and now 3 hours. Restart the server or do your job and solve the problem.

Still locked out apparently, character already in game. 15 hours

+1 best friday ever, played 1 hr, locked out for 5 hrs…

+1 same here on EU servers… Only 1 of my friends can play, rest of us watch him on discord streaming. best experience ever… this company…

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+1 as well, so frustrating. I took off work to get a day of grinding in and don’t even get to play…

+1… wtf … areg erqwghewrahewrathaersthasers

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just roll my character back, i want to play!!!

+1 embarrassing start for hours

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Blizzard is a shame…

same here for over three hours now +1

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+1 Wife can play i not

Also having this issue +1

+1 cannot play ridiculous please address this

Cannot create or join online games - just get a black screen.

+3 poop been waiting since yesterday

+1 same :frowning: Two days in row