If this PTR fire auradin build makes the live server, i quit

I think it’s hard to tell on Dream because Holy Shock has very high min-max difference.

when multiple items supplying the same aura are equipped, not only is that aura supplied at their combined level, but radial damage for an aura of that combined level is applied once for each supplying item.

Also let’s not forget you free up 20 skill points by running 2xDragon+HoJ AND you’re able to use Conviction as well. Totally bonkers.

Maybe it is high difference but it works almost same on 2.3 dual dreams + ormus with facet + crescent moon + max conviction. I do not see much difference in kill speed to 2.4. auradin except it is more constant. I would go hoj+dragon+2xdream :slight_smile: Still i throw out a lot of light damage to get about that amount in fire.

And the Amazon is fine? I say quit then