I'd like a non-sweaty version of this game

Maybe because that is exactly what you are saying. Game is not designed around SSF. Some of us do SSF because that is the only way to make the game last. With trading the drop rates are more then fine anyone with any kind of play time at all would be geared out the ying yang in under a month and that is if console was a separate game from pc. WIth pc however with bots and such items are so easy to get that you have to play ssf to get more then a week out of the game.
I have 500 hours played so far and have not had a single high rune(for you noobs a HR is Lo or higher) drop. I could of traded my 8 characters full of crap or one of the 20 torches ive farmed to get everything i wanted already but then i would of got bored and quit.
There is only one point to d2 and that is to get loot if you make it where the most casual players can get these items fast the game will become like the 1000 modern games out there that only last a day or two for more hardcore players.
You act like you are losing out on something because you do not have this loot NOW. You can kill anything in this game at level 60 in crap common gear. The only problem with loot atm is cheaters making it too easy and inflating the economy so when you do get a decent drop its value is crap.

Definitely don’t want easy loot anywhere close to d3 but I agree I’d like to see just a touch better drops. Played almost nonstop since release and even grinding one player only like 2 high runes even doing serious farming. Not to mention finding lobby with more than 1 person that hasn’t been up for awhile on console is near impossible. Make it clear I don’t want free loot, as first time player at launch love this game and plan to max multiple chars


that reminds me of drop mod ALLLL the way back in like 1.09d, maybe 1.10 back on original d2 LoD…

going out to the blood moor, kill a zombie, 10 uniques drop.

believe me, it got real boring real fast.


Thank you for proving my point. It doesn’t matter what we say or how we say it, it’s always interpreted in a highly skewed way.

In the end it is not normal to need to do hundreds or thousands of runs. It just isn’t. Thank you for playing.

nailed it right on the head ive put in 200 hours online on high levels farming no rune drops this games end game is terrabad

Drop rates were made with an active economy in mind as well as 5-8 player games being readily available. Right now You pretty much have to use a third party like jsp to get hrs.

They really need an in game barter system not to mention the custom game lobby feature pc players have.

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You played the original but think this is different? Besides the obvious lobby/chat part the rest is pretty true to the old D2. I farmed for hours back then and guess what? I didn’t really have many high Runes then either. Gear becomes worthless if it’s made too easy to get. I don’t think this is a game for you. D3 is that way ——->
Part of the addiction for me is the loot farming and the sense of worth when you find something good. If it was too easy it wouldn’t be D2.

So you don’t want to grind mindlessly for 1000’s of hours? Why did you bother picking up a diablo title then?


What in the actual hell are you trying to do?

You don’t like the loot progression? Such a term had not been uttered in this game’s time!

Casual? Casual?!

Casual is Act 1 Normal!

The mental gymnastics you have to perform to want the bars of excellence lowered to such a pathetic level.

You want a barbie dress up game where you click pretty balloons and new dresses fly out to put on your doll. Is that casual enough for you?

Holy hell I thought the name of this game WAS DIABLO II SATAN! Beelzebub
Fricken Evil!

As a filthy casual who only plays singleplayer, who’s highest two characters ever were Act 1 Hell (Necrosummoner and Meteorb Sorceress, both in D2-LoD-Classic) I have to say I wouldn’t want the drop rates of items nor the immunities of mobs any different from how they are now.

There aren’t many games left these days that feel like biting into concrete. That feel like you can go at them full force and they can still hit you back hard.

And well, about the rarity of the items…? Tell me one other game where simple rare drops can make my entire week look better. Where one feels like “damn, I need a twink for that!”


Now it is tough, but not that tough, this is like buying dark souls and complaining about the difficulty. Research better next time and make sure you are getting a baby game.

That is not how cross progression works.
You cannot bring single player cross progression characters to bnet servers, you play with an offline character if you want cross progress.

And where you get that from? Obviously you got it from a bad source because cross progress damn sure does work on bnet. You have both versions you can switch between both at will just can not play both at the same time.
Console is already inflated to crap from pc bot loots. There people without a single character over 90 running around with annis and enigma. Why do you think we share a global server with PC? Just because?

Damn this comment is well crafted!


I know myself. I’d play the non-sweaty version of this game. Because I’ve never known things like the joys of having an Enigma Summonmancer and minions that I can make “behave.”

But after achieving those remaining childhood dreams, I’d set my eyes to what else I might accomplish. And then I’d realize there’s nothing left. And I’d play something else. And I’d leave feeling just as hollow as someone who RMT’d their way to the top.

I know myself.