I tried.. But yeah

Let’s try that again.

Soooo I was saying that I tried…

Performance problem



24 hours ago

The connection issues on EU servers are getting irritating and we hear nothing from you. The game in unplayable as it stands now and we are loads of players that have spammed the forum regarding this and we have heard nothing from you. So are you aware of the problems and just ignore us or have you yet to check your forums for issues regarding this? Please advise

This ticket has been marked as Answered.

20 hours ago


20 hours ago

Warm Greetings, Daniel! Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment’s support team.This is Game Master Eireuthios here to assist you today. I can see that you’re contacting us regarding Diablo 2 Resurrected crashes, I’m truly sorry for that, let me look into that for you! After taking a look, Before troubleshooting launch issues, make sure your computer meets the Diablo II: Resurrected System Requirements. Blizzard Support - Diablo II: Resurrected System Requirements Follow the steps in the Diablo II: Resurrected Lockups and Crash Errors article to resolve launch issues.Blizzard Support - Diablo II: Resurrected Lockups and Crash Errors If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us again. Best regards, Game Master Eireu


19 hours ago

Yeah, please at least read my ticket. The problem is not local to me, it’s the entire Europe battle net that is totally messed up and many many posts regarding this on the forums but not a word from you, and now you tell me to make sure I’ve tried w/e and not even acknowledge the question I asked. Do please try again and just try look at the problem at hand.


5 hours ago

Hi Daniel, My name is GM Aldwynhouse, happy to assist you! If you are experiencing conneciton issue on Diablo 2, please see possible troubleshooting steps here: Blizzard Support - Connection Troubleshooting Hope this helps! If you have any other questions feel free to contact us anytime. Thank you and wishing you a wonderful day! GM Aldwynhouse Blizzard Support

This ticket has been marked as Answered.

5 hours ago


11 minutes ago

Still not what I am saying I making this ticket about and I don’t if you are pulling my leg or just don’t read what I’m typing, but yeah. I see you will not help me and all the rest of Europe by this attitude and I’m very disappointed but sadly not surprised. This is just sad now, and I will just take note that you are still acting like this towards paying customers.

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