I just deleted my lvl 89 sorc by accident

I dont know what else to say. Everything Ive read says blizzard wont help restore characters.

I made a new character but didn’t like the name so I just hit delete and held for 5 seconds while looking at the name in the list thinking the last character I made would be selected but the lvl 1 was still there after the window dissappeared and I knew exactly what I did.

There goes many many hours and I dont think I can play this game anymore what is the point.

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I’m sorry that happened to you

I’ll pour one out for you and your sorc tonight. My condolences. One would think they could find a way to make it impossible to accidentally delete a character.

Ouch man, that hurts!:frowning:

for one character? you can get to level 89 in a few hours lol. Get a bump rush.if you dont know what that is, Im not going to explain. Then do hell baals.Easy Peasy


Its not about the levels its about the missing gear, and the wasted time farming for it, and all the items in personal stash.

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pay more attention I guess,what items do you need?

oops i editted my old post isntead of replying

I dont want any items I cant even remember exactly what I was wearing. I had my mf gear on just doing runs. Part of a tals set, goldwrap, some mf rings, chances, hoto flail, war travs

well those are easy items to farm for.I have mules with shakos,viper magis,occys,gold wraps,like 20 nagel rings and a bunch of other unique and rare rings,chance guards.This games drop rate is significantly higher than d2 vanilla.it took me like 6 months to find a shako in the original.Ive even found a tyraels might and I never found one even using a mf bot in the original doing tens of thousands of runs lol.If you dont want any items I get it but dont quit cause of one player with relatively easy stuff to farm for

Blizzard put the 5 second hold it down thing just so people wouldn’t accidentally delete characters.

Congrats, you have exceeded Blizzard’s expectations.

I feel your pain, but I seriously doubt Blizzard will do anything more in this direction.


Whats the point of this thread?


my buddy just reminded me my merc had the infinity i was borrowing since i respecced to chain lightning.

The problem exists because when you make a new character it isnt automatically the selected character.
The selected character defaults to the highest in the list (last char used in a game).
Also the problem is there because when deleting char it doesnt provide the name when asked are you sure you want to delete character - including the name in the delete option should be added so there’s a lot less confusion on which char is actually being deleted.

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What if… The character select screen had a thumbnail character loadout view when you hovered over the character? A simple local screen snapshot (when you last opened your inventory) into memory and periodically saved to disk.

I’m banking that would have helped prevent this from happening. A fully geared char vs. a (stock) image of a starter class I would hope be obvious to tell a difference.


You owe your mate some money then.

Voodoo is right you can be rushed and sitting at almost the same level in a day its not a problem and your gear was not too hard to replace that infinity though… is a different story


Your buddy is no longer your buddy.

I understand your anger now!

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I thought it is not possible to delete your character after the change. You should get an Award.


Only one option can prevent such things: they should remove “delete character” function.

The way it is. is not very good. It would be enough to make the delete button somewhere else. Or if not, add another message like Are You sure, I mean are you really sure you want to delete this character named: Karl Knall?
I know sounds like this is not really needed, but would it bother someone if it would be.
Are you sure^^?

The selected character is the one on full display in the center of the screen, regardless of where it is in the list. Can’t get much more obvious than that.
Plus, you actively have to hold the button down for the full five seconds, while staring at that character, before the deletion occurs.

While I do have sympathy for the loss, this one was pure user error.
The same type of error the OP committed in this very thread, when he accidentally edited his opening post instead of replying to a respondent.
Seems to be an issue for him…

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