I have solutions


Don’t post often, but wanted to put this out there in hopes that someone will see it. I know there are other similar posts, but lets get this done.

Server load has been at least part of the problem from day one, right? Why isn’t there an login timeout?

Simple way to reduce sever load is to kick the people who aren’t playing. It also allows more reliable game name results to appear because less games are left open for extended periods of time.

Don’t get me wrong, just offering a solution. I love playing the game.

I’m thinking the servers themselves weren’t overloaded. They’ve already said it’s how the games database handles things that was getting overloaded. The problem was too many people constantly creating 20 second games (Pindle runs). The database couldn’t keep up with it, resulting in the several hour downtimes when the platform crashed, which is why they implemented timers to prevent the crashing from occurring.

The upcoming PTR is supposed to be testing a new database method that should hopefully resolve those issues.

Ya I thought it had more to do with traffic and migration issues when bombarded then actual load.