I have a question on FCR VS DAMAGE

Hello fellow Sorc,

im not the sharpest tack in the drawer when it comes to figuring out where fcr and skill comes into play on damage/kill rate

i have a lightning sorc, i wear SOJ and Raven Frost, Hoto , shako , , spider sash , trang gauntlets , I have a bunch of 10 fcr rings. 2 20 helm, Chanices, wartravs , i wear a mara and have hoto and Oculus

where do i want her on skill and FCR ? i guess is what im askin, i have lite gc’s , damage is about 37-39k …help ?

thanks OG

I would aim for 117FCR (i think thats whats needed for lightning).
That is easily optainable.

Ok, thank you for the information