This is going to be short but trading isn’t what it used to be. If you make a game listing something you need or want to trade it is always wuw or wug. You offer one thing if you are the offer person, the other person leaves right away if they don’t like the offer. Why don’t you just wait to hear other offers? Also another thing everyone wants to be overpaid. It’s ridiculous. Stop being stingy people and just trade and have a great community! This why people go to 3rd party sites and I do not blame them.
I’m surprised you can get anyone to join your games in the first place. They don’t join mine when I call them “free stuff here”
Even more reason why people are quitting the game. Trading and item scarcity is killing the player base.
They’re not being stingy, they simply don’t want what you have to offer. If a large number of people are leaving when you mention your offer for what you’re wanting, take it as a sign that you aren’t offering enough. A lot of them don’t care to haggle, as haggling takes up time.
If you’re starting out with lowball offers, if enough people instantly leave, consider upping your initial offer.
You don’t determine the price, the successful trade determines the price.
Wait, how many players know that you can trade, and that you can list your items for sale on multiple websites to be viewed / browsed offline ?
I presume there is a large proportion of new players that have no idea about d2jsp, traderie, diablo io, discord channels etc.
However I agree there is no much movement. Many, many sellers, not any buyers. I presume this is because the playerbase consists mostly of very mature, fully kitted players who want to buy nothing but the very best (outside of consumables, eg keys, essences etc).
On those external websites, there is lack of normal players, levelling up and finding value in “average” items and willing to trade.
Time to join a discord group and d2jsp.
The huge thing is that a lot of new players know that currency are RUNES!. Runes Runes Runes. So as long as they have runes and not any items to sell they are rich. Then i believe they are hoarding them bc they are to scared to even know what to do with them.
I just use Traderie for the most part (nice place to trade too, lots of good options and filters including seeing what things are selling for, what trades for a given item are actually being made), if the game list/lobby/chat/etc wasn’t broken, trading in game might be viable and fun again, but as it is…yikes.
No you cant have my ethereal andys for a lem rune and a low roll vipermagi.
Well it has almost always been this way unfortunately. Best to know the rune-value (or pgem value) of your item beforehand.
Other tradables would be gg runewords, charms, jewels, keys, gg socketables… can get complicated though. Using discord or diablo 2 java script parser dot org is the most simple way and allows you to keep playing instead of waiting for someone to join your trade game and leave abruptly when your offer isn’t what they wanted.
Use jsp. You always get what you want.
yeah, someone wanted to pay a mal rune for my tal armor i said no and he was “rofling” at me.
someone wanted to pay Pul rune for my 19-14 drood torch, same history
i’m talking about hardcore where prices for a tal armor goes between vex-gul up to ohm
some random drood torch goes for vex up to vex gul.
this is why i dont trade ingame
uh, hate to break it to you, but that’s not the case. used to be whenever i searched up an item trying to look up stuff like what’s the best base to socket a runeword in, i got stuff like icy veins, wowhead, diablowiki, and a bunch of others.
that lasted up until about a two weeks ago, and now all of the RMT websites are at the top of all search results on bing, google, duckduckgo, and yahoo
just do a quick search for any diablo 2 item, you’ll see. they’ve got most of the bases covered for diablo 2 related search terms.
Let’s all leave a little meat on the bone when trading with eachother
Ladder trading was dead - one of the reasons I dropped out early (well, for me). If D2/D2R is going to keep its punishingly low drop rates, we need a healthy trade-based economy to compensate. If the economy’s on the fritz, all you have left is the endless, often pointless grind.
D2R needs an AH that removes the 4th dimension from the trade economy. All other approaches (jsp/discord, etc.) are indirect kludges that create as many problems as they solve.
Me too. Also, diablo2 io, but it is very slow and cumbersome. Traderie is very quick.
If you are a buyer, maybe. Because there are literally thousands of sellers… I have had much more luck with traderie and diablo2 io. No real money and no forum gold involved.
You aren’t trading worthwhile stuff or just overpricing your BINs… either way just use search and find threads looking for items you want to sell.
This is why there are trade sites out there. They can help you gauge the value of of what you’re offering versus what you’re looking for. If Bliz built their own site to support in-game trading (think POE here) people wouldn’t have to rely on others. Straight up in-game trading is hard if you’re not offering things of equivalent value, and the only way to know that for sure is using trading sites that can show you what the market is in general looking for.
Personally I’m self-found for nearly everything I use, but even I will trade from time to time. Usually it’s buying if I have what the seller if looking for and they have what I want. Diablo in generally has always needed a POE-like trading experience but Bliz has been content to let others build it for them. As long as you’re not violating any TOS, definitely take advantage of what is out there.
Good Items drop so rarely that only the Elite players find them. So casual players rarely have anything of value to offer the elite players. I can’t even find stuff that the big dogs don’t even pick up lol.
I agree, but you mean “very, very good items”. Because “good items” drop for people who play regularly.
And that is where runewords come in. There are “cheap” runewords acting as the great equalisers. You can progress from cheap runeword to cheap runeword, easily to your late 80s.
Sometimes it is obvious they made these runewords on purpose, to bypass the very low rates.
Off the top of my head:
Unbending Will
Insight (and on bows)
Crescent Moon
and much more, easily obtainable runes from the Countess
If you start with the sorceress you can farm the Countess.