I don't need Terror Zone anymore

I don’t need a terror zone.

Even without it, we are happy and happy.

I want a new Act 6 and a new boss monster.

And I want you to roll back the FHR for ver .2.3 that you touched without thinking


Why do you need a terrorist zone in the Normal and Nightmare?

As now, bus and fast rush achieve 85 reps in an hour.

You have to change the direction of acquisition of experience or change the experience of party hunting to the direction of receiving bonuses.

You can’t see him reaching 99 reps even if he stands blank with the on-dal’s staff?

Someone has no eyes or no brains.


A terrorist zone? Delete this garbage post.


I like badly translated posts, usually funny but you do need to see the message and not the wording.

Basically wants all the pvp changes reverted instead of Terror zones. Act 6 and some party reward changes. All not so simple. The nee act being the hardest due to having to make assets.

I personally think terror zones aren’t the way to do it and needs heavy tweaking but it’s something.

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strange part is the title is correct, not sure why he wrote it incorrectly it in the post.

as for myself, i dont think terror zones are a bad idea.
in fact they are actually a decent idea.

i was worried they might to go some BS infinite scaling like d3, or worse… “map mods”.

im certainly willing to try this out for a patch.

also pvp changes are fine.

its stupid being able to get stunlocked,
and the weapon swap glitch to break out was also stupid.

its honestly way better this way.

if only there was a way to remove tele in pvp without breaking frw in turn


he fact that game companies provide a journey to the Max level easily in RPG games shortens the life of the game.

In two weeks, everyone easily reaches 99 reps.

When 99 reps are available, item farming and pvp (pk) are available.

What are we gonna do with the balance, whether it’s 1:1 or team pvp?

If the second Ladder is opened in the PTR state, the 99 level will be completed in 2 ~ 3 weeks. If Ladder lasts for more than 5 months…who will do Ladder in the end?


“We” are happy.
“I” want.

Nothing else to say.

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I’m fine with the Terror Zones. I think they need some more polish (make the Super Unique in each area a Boss Monster for the Terror Zone), and I don’t think we need the bonus exp (increased monster density would be more than enough), but overall a good change.

It’s just that I really really hope that isn’t the only thing they are offering this patch. Sure I can see it being the “main feature” of the patch, but the only thing, nothing else at all? That’s just incredibly underwhelming.

It’s about the long-term life of the game.

There is something that should not be touched in the new content. It is the way of providing experience and the change of end item.

The D3 was to added a big crack system, and the game is ruined.

If D2R may someday be released with a max level limit, the game’s life will be even shorter.

Don’t be obsessed with one word and watch the big flow of the game…

I would be happy to be able to level up easily right now… but opening the end content will definitely shorten the life of the game…

It is unfair to those who cannot easily access the game to provide a specific event at a specific time in an existing hunting ground rather than a new hunting ground.

The range of experience points from low level to high level is too open.
To put it simply, no one wants to party play anymore.

Everyone will hunt alone for the Terror Zone…

We’ll just start together and do the rest alone…

You’ll be closed in multiplayer games where you need help.

If there are 8 people together, you need an advantage.

If leveling becomes easier, anyone can easily reach level 99, and is there any content after that?

battlefield system or

At least we need to balance pvp, but D2R doesn’t do that right now.

To provide follow-up measures or end contents of the game so easily, Blizzard’s operating method is too outdated.

If you try various mmorpgs in Korea, they are at least systematic and diversify the content enjoyed and enjoyed by low and high levels.

The pvp balance is pretty good too.

Today’s D2R is becoming a completely different game with only Diablo 2’s clothes on.

We’re like laboratory rats. We taste and love the food Blizzard throws in. Don’t you think our final future will be thrown away like the current legacy D2 when D4 opens? Do you think they will release you at random and free you up?

Has no one ever thought deeply about our future?

We must have bought it to bring back old memories based on 20 years of old Diablo II memories.

But I’m curious as to what’s going to be better than before.

If 2.5patch is applied, everyone will become level 99, and then they will not be praised or praised like they are now.

After all, do you think level 99 has a lot of content to enjoy?

my answer is NO

Forest for the trees!


This thread is a terror zone.


Terr, we gon git ya!

You mean terrorist zone


Whatever you say guys I’m calling them terrorist zones from now on.


Can we please leave the woke left out of this

There is probably some cool/niche thing you can do with norm/NM TZ IMO.

I like terror zones, more zones please blizzard, more terror in them as well.

Dude this guys is like ankle-chained to a gaming chair in the basement and his sister-mom brings him snacks.

Ladder was never just about the level. Majority dont care about that at all.

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Yeah. It was about who had the bot that ran the longest.

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The game truly lacks an end game with variation. Whether terror zones are the solution or not, I wont be the judge. An expansion with an act 6 ? yes would be nice, but that would only extend the gameplay x hours, and would not really contribute to a end game game play with exciting variation.

IMO d2 is one of the best games ever made, and still compared to all modern titles, however, one thing that modern games got right is an exciting end game experience.

I like what PoE did with these “maps” that you can collect at spawn instances of in different difficulties. I also like that d2 have a secret cow level, and a uber Tristram quest. But there could easily be another 15 of these mini games :heart:

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The people that make these posts truly never played d2 when it was at its peak. Wanting a new act? That’s what d3-d4 is for wtf?