Hey there! I don’t seem to have access to terror zones on offline single player after updating to patch 2.6, not sure why that is.
My characters have beaten Baal on all 3 difficulties
I have the check mark turned on for offline terror zones in my settings
I’ve read other people have this issue too and some don’t have it at all. The only thing I know is that all my characters were ported over from D2:LoD and I don’t have a character that was created from D2:R specifically, could this be the issue or is this a bug? Please help!
It didnt work for me either when i first tried. deactivated + reactivated it again and then at some point it worked. Not sure if it was reactivate + restart, or if it even worked on the first reactivate, but works ever since
Maybe it requires an internetconnection to initialize the TZ-Algorithm, thats just a guess but in case you start trough shortcuts, starting it trough the launcher might help
Thanks for the reply, sadly it didn’t work. Smells like a bug to me because I don’t want to remake my characters haha. Would there be a way to un-quest Baal if its bound to quest kill?
Have you tried performing a Baal run and going through with the kill just to make sure things are properly flagged? One of the troubleshooting steps for games where “finish X difficulty” is a requirement is to re-run the last part of the difficulty and see if that fixes things.
Also, are you able to make the cow portal on the character you’re trying to access TZs on?
Duh, if any of you did the “unpack file for faster loading times” TZ won’t work.
Reason is simple, when you patch the game it won’t patch those files already extracted, delete them and load the the game normally then when you see TZ working you can redo the unpack thing if you wish so.
Hello, it’s an old post but I ran into this issue with a character made on D2runewizard Hero editor.
I tried several things and this worked for me : Reload your character into the site and uncheck “ladder” (in “General” section just above “Quests”). Save it and click/unclick terror zones in D2R options before creating a new game.
I’m getting the same thing on version 1.6.77312. I have 2 HC chars that have both beaten hell legit (just finished hell with one of them), and I can make cow level but my TZ aren’t showing up. I do have the gameplay option “Show Terror Zones” Enabled yet nothing is showing.
I did try to close, and restart the game, start if from the D2R.exe directly, yet nothing is working.
I just found the solution. To enable terror zones, it’s not the → Options → Gameplay → Show Terror Zones option that needs to be enabled, it’s before you press play, there’s a “Game Creation” setting button, and from there you can see under “Offline” “Enable Terror Zones”