It was a masterpiece before patch 1.10… then it became a flipping nightmare… it’s the GD Hammerdin game now… like seriously guy, get your head out of your butt… it needs SOME changes to make it better… I literally started hating D2 after patch 1.09 and stopped playing it for the most part, it was good for about 3 years…
It’s NOT a perfect game anymore… The changes it incurred after patch 1.09 made it a terrible experience for the most part… sure more bugs were fixed but the balance is abysmal.
They need to re-balance the enemies and not make them so ridiculous in Hell mode… as it stands, you can’t even make an effective hybrid character. Your damage is gimped because the enemies are so resilient to elemental damage on Hell mode…
Please for the love of God, Diablo II is a great game but it’s no where near perfect in it’s current state… it needs some changes to make it a better game and more diverse. I hate Diablo III for the record, I’m not some kind of D3 shill here to ruin D2… I love D2, but it has terrible balance issues on Hell mode.