I’d argue it is one of the things that helped make Diablo 2 such a masterpiece. In D3 for example I could just grab whatever off the ground with little consequence or thought because of the scrapping mechanic and huge stash. Back when I played D3 I started collecting all the necro legendary/set items just because I didn’t know what to do with all my extra stash space.
I’d say let us get the true vanilla D2 remaster first.
Then after It sells well and is being played a lot (and It will be), they might start making new content for It (with balance patches etc).
I’m a purist and this is fine. There’s nothing a purist would have wanted than for d3 to be a direct sequel to d2 or just more d2 expansions. As long as the core systems are unchanged, I don’t care what new build meta might come along as a result of balance changes
I have been playing D2 for a long time and I still cannot stand having to mule items, it is one of the absolute worst parts of the game in my opinion. There is absolutely no reason for them to not include a few small QOL changes such as this. I’m on the side of the fence of keeping it has pure to the original as possible, but stuff like muling needs to go.
Diablo II version 1.00 was a masterpiece. But it was changed many times over. Some changes will break the game, others made during the original run broke the game for players.
The best version of Diablo II (and L.o.D) has still not been made.
That’s why this is a D2 remaster and not a remake. It should be getting minimal changes.
You can’t think any graphic mod would be able to compare to fully updated visuals in 4k. I’d be happier without the shared stash, but the argument against mules was good enough so I can get over it, the argument for charm inventory however, is not.
If they decided to follow what a lot of people are suggesting, including you, then I probably would refund and go back to D2.
I believe mods have done a lot to improve the game for a large part of the community, but a lot of the changes they’ve added strays from the core, vanilla D2 gameplay imo. They’ve gone on record saying there will be modding support, please just keep the major changes to mods.
Despite mostly being a purist about it I do agree with this. I thoroughly think upon release it should be as close to a faithful D2R as possible. Once everyone including me has gotten their nice big nostalgia fix for a ladder season or 2 and the dev’s have real widespread community feedback and reception to operate off of instead of just raging polarized fan opinions though I am way more open to added developments coming down the line.
The charm game has already been solved. You fill up your inventory and leave space for a cube. The cube is your new actual inventory. It’s not a trade off. At most it’s a time sink. Instead of enjoying just looting an item and moving on, you have to open your inventory, open the cube, put the item in and ID it. Then decide if you want to store or drop it. From there you are back to the same step. That’s basically the definition of a quality of life issue.
If you are playing any other way, you are just being inefficient. It’s a solved game.
Not true. There is nothing wrong in being a little “inefficient”. I’ve played D2 since release and I’ve never seen any veteran filling the entire inventory with charms. You farm like crazy and get a handful of the best charms possible and min/max around with that while still having room for picking up stuff. If you need an inventory full of charms to be “efficient” then the game is playing you. Being efficient is finding the right balance between the right charms and free inventory space.
Why even change a perfect game. I know It wasn’t 100% perfect with a few bugs. But D2 fans still made love with that game. Just ask you a question, why is the game still alive 21 years after, something to think about. It’s rare to keep such a old game alive.
We can give the True D2 fans a big thanks that kept this game alive so many years. Without you, there would not be a refurbished game as the greatest game in history. Our beloved MasterPiece Diablo 2.
That is why It’s a masterpiece, because Diablo 2 is Diablo 2.
If you make changes, this game wont be a masterpiece anymore.
Thanks bro.
All said
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I still hate few changes of Mods… Enigma nerf… Yes is fine that hammerdin not the beast more… But isn’t fine that nobody play hammerdin anymore QoL okay but changes are not improved… Just other now - not better
I can, and I can bet you 90% of them never played d2 in its hay day.
This game was flawed as crap. Too many bots, too many people had auto pick up hacks and anyone who played the game for 10 years like me who never once had an auto pick up hack never once obtained a Rune above an Ist, let alone anything remotely resembling gear that they could build a character out of to fight in hell.
Oh, a masterpiece you say? Only two playable characters? You won’t play a hammerdin or a barbarian so you can’t farm in hell? Well, better hope you have an auto pick up hack and party in hell baal runs so maybe your internet speed and speed of the item pick up hacks that you made is .01% microseconds faster than everyone elses or all the items worth anything remotely at all won’t be yours.
Oh! and if you want to play the only OTHER playable character, the sorceress…welll… too bad…70% of the enemies are going to be immune from whatever magic you chose.
What’s that? You got a fun and neat idea for a different build? Too bad! Unless you are playing a Hurricane Druid or a hammerdin or an ice sorceress you are crap out of luck if you ever want to solo farm…want to play something else? Well…LMFAO HAHAHAHAHHAHHHAHHAHAHAA!!! Noob! SMH rolls eyes in a sarcastic smiling cliche manner with hands on hips and shaking their head at a slight tilt Sorry, but the only other possible choice is lightning sorceress and you need god level gear getting it…yeah…good luck with that.
Summon necromancer? You won’t even survive in Nightmare by yourself.
A non ww barbarian? Useless unless you want to only do dueling.
A shapeshifter druid? Nope! Far too weak unless you have 50 small poison charms which are nearly impossible to get without a farming character…so there is that paladin again!
What’s that? You want to play a Amazon? OK, good luck…LOL.
Remind me again why post patch 1.6 diablo 2 was good again when most of the game is 100% immune to 100% of all the potential damage you can do unless you play the one and only one build that can actually play the game and be severely weakened the moment you go outside the most perfectly made net build for him again?
Remind me again why losing out on all the best gear because you refuse to use hacks and don’t have the fastest mouse click or internet speeds for YEARS made this game a masterpiece?
I’m sorry, but it was a masterpiece of a game for a short while after the expansion came out and that’s it. But this game is in no possible way a good game in the slightest anymore and the only thing that makes it good is nostalgia. Put anyone who wasn’t 13-15 when it first came out to play it now and it’s pure garbage. It needs to change drastically in order to be good a second time around and easier loot drops-ESPECIALLY with the hellforge that needs an exponential boost to what it can drop and how much it drops, and most of all giving everyone their own personalized individualized loot drops is exactly what this game needs, not to mention, Sets were BS weak and useless in the endgame AND so weren’t most of the legendary items. Every single class and every single skill, especially Paladin defensive skills, amazon’s everything, assassin’s martial arts, druids shape shifter and most of all the necromancer’s summon powers need a plethora of work with an exponential power boost to make them viable beyond normal mode.
Build for me a paladin that can solo using no hammers or smiting and uses the HP heal aura and show me that character can solo Hell difficulty or act as a powerful group character without the need for rune items or an inventory of charms and you can prove everything I said wrong, until then, The game needs the biggest overhaul any video game in history has ever needed before.
If you look away from cheaters then the game is a masterpiece.
If you think the game is not a masterpiece, why are so many people still playing a game that is 21 years old?
I played this 24/7, also while there were a lot of spam bots and people running MF bot. Very frustrating!
But Blizzard did nothing about it, if they really cared about the game back then, then they would be a little more active in banning cheaters and removing the spam bots.
Interesting considering I was into Hell with a Summoner Necro on HC the last time I played base D2:LOD.
Not EVERY point goes into summons… you still need some in curses and corpse explosion preferably but summoning is viable into hell although boss kills can get a bit tedious
Summoner Necro was like the easiest class to play lol. Number 1 hardcore class to drink a beer and coast with. They were slow as hell sometimes killing stuff early on but they certainly weren’t difficult to play.
That same dude is another thread acting like this game was impossibly hard though so I think he’s a bit lost.
Yeah so much of what he’s saying is just obviously not true and/or exaggerated. I thought about replying to him directly but I don’t think it’s worth barking up that tree.
It sounds like he just literally hated the game and thought everything was terrible based on that post haha?.. but clearly bit on preordering it the first week…