I am hilariously undergeared for Hell, any tips?

71 meteorb sorc, but i literally don’t know what to do next.

everything in hell is immune to me and 1 shots my merc. i’ve run nm bosses like 50 times and haven’t found an upgrade. i just don’t really know where to do next. help?

i have spirit/rhyme, lore, stealth, and some rare fcr stuff i found or crafted. my merc has insight, tal rasha’s mask, and a rare fhr/res chest. seems like all the trades require hell countess runes (which is laughable - i can’t even get there,) and i can’t find an upgrade to save my life running nm countess, andy, meph, diablo, baal.

tldr: where do i farm to be ready for hell?

ps: how much strength am i going to end up needing? i’ve been saving points for a few levels to make sure i can wear the good stuff but i don’t wanna over commit…

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Do you still have respec?

i have the one from hell left

Own it and beat hell naked.


watch some guides bro. Best is on YT by MrLlamaSC. You will hit hell in no time but you need to respec into pure blizzard. Meteorb is bad :frowning:

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was trying to save my last respec to go into lightning when i get that runeword on my merc that reduces damage though… should i just say f it and do it now?

and if u want some free gear, add me LtButcher#1121. I can give stuff like free vipermagi etc

İf you r meteorb shouldnt u have 2 elements at hand ? Why is everything immune to you ?

Also farm nm meph, diablo, baal you will eventually get an upgrade and also lvl a bit more to be ready for hell

You can also trade for basic items for PGems


Ok so lvl 71 is quite low. I would suggest to go ancient tunnels hell(in lost city act 2) and keep run it until you have lvl 80.thats should give you more skills=damage since you are double element. Merc will be also better with 9 more levels.

Or you could respec and go orb+ firewall. I finished hell with that on untwinked hc run. When you do chaos, take it slow, lure monsters from mages go back and kill them and repeat. Dont just run in.

Btw 156 str is for spirit monarch.


That was my issue with my Hammerdin back then. I got somewhat stucked on Act 1 Hell. It’s like my progression was under the control of RNG becoz I have no runes above ‘io’ rune. I was just asking the game to give me a Lum rune.

I kept doing Countess Hell even though it was hard. I also did NM Cows. And redo early stages of Hell over and over. But all I got were runes not above ‘io’ runes. I also did some Gamble, no luck for more powerful items. However, I realized that I got 3x ‘io’ runes so I made Lum rune out of it. I fixed my Resistance issue and my progression moved on… only to encounter immune mobs to me on Act 2.

My answer for immune mobs is the Mercenary. I just upgraded my Mercenaries weapon. I cant kill mobs immune to me but those mobs cant kill me either. So I served as tank, a distraction to these mobs while my Merc kill them one by one. I beat Act 2.

I dont know how you do it on Sorcerer. But I did it on my Hammerdin. BTW, I completed the whole Hell already… all on SOLO.

no worries guys i geared him up and he will melt hell. Freebies including a torch. Topic is closed.


“stealth” can be replace with vipermage, i found 3 on nighmare runs, also optimize to get 105FCR

A free torch? Wth. Can I get a free low torch? Lol

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I would also be interested in a free torch lol

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Either you keep playing at the maximal difficulty you can handle or do something useful in real life :wink:

I’m level 81 now and I haven’t seen one :smiley:

Still running with Stealth in Act 3 Hell, have been farming Andy from 70 to 80 the only meaningful upgrade I’ve got was Gheeds charme lol.

Nightmare I’ve farmed all bosses til 70 (mostly Diablo and Baal), nothing but low level crap.

Did you see the guy that posted that he gave the OP freebies, including a torch?! Who gives away free torches? Crazy.

When you play a LOT and know what you’re doing + you’re generous I can imagine people gifting low torchs to others :smiley:

Would you be so generous as to gift me a low torch? My necro could use one.

I’m sorry but I’m just an unlucky casual, as I said I’m still running Stealth, I’m far away of being able to farm ubers.