Hustle too slow to replace Enigma

When leveling up through terror zones, I need speed to find the next boss group.
Hustle, Cat’s Eye, and Aldur’s Boot are still too slow compared to Enigma.
I recommend boosting the run speed even further (200%?) and get PTR feedback.

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I like the idea of a run speed armor as an alternative to teleporting. The problem is enigma already has an obscene amount of run walk so the armor would have to give an unrealistic amount to compare.

200% seems like a longshot but might actually allow for an alternative.


The idea of a fast run instead of telly isn’t working for me…Telly goes through walls which is one of the main benefits of it. BoS, Charge, etc all give really good run speeds and I’ll still take telly any day.


Nerf Enigma instead. Do not remove the teleport, but restrict it somehow (cast delay, not passing through walls). Otherwise running will never outcompete teleporting, at least in closed areas.


Teleport requires a cooldown. In addition, it should be accompanied by a decrease in mana consumption and cooldown according to skill level. The fast cast rate also slows down to 1/2 when freezing, and it must be applied even in the case of slow targets, and the negative effects of various curse skills of necromancers need to be applied. Lastly, casting accuracy (accuracy rate) also needs to be +power according to energy stat points. ele dru or bone nec, hammerdin, etc


I would have the mana cost gradually rise the more you use it in quick succession. +1 mana cost per use. It then decreases by -1 mana cost per second if you stop using it for a few seconds.

Basically, makes it expensive to spam for 30 seconds, but otherwise preserves its function.


Hustle was never meant to replace Enigma

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Well, 200% is not that much more as 100% frw considering the diminishing returns.

Or: percentual mana cost. So you can basically do X amount of teleports before you have to chug a pot.

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That sounds like a good compromise.


Yet another idea: the first cast of Tele costs only mana. But each subsequent, cast right after the previous one, costs mana and life. Ideally a percentage, so sorcs are not discriminated compared to more tanky classes. Can be a fixed amount or increasing with each cast (and of course reset after a moderate cooldown). Such a mechanics would allow Tele to be used sporadically and tactically, but not spammable.

FWIW, Terraria features an item which allow teleportation (Rod of Discord), with a similar limitation.

Hustle armor should give charge skill.

Hustle is not supposed to be anywhere near enigma. I think they should change the FRW to Vigor aura, though. That way it doesn’t suffer from the diminishing returns of gear based FRW.

I’m really disappointed with BoS being on the weapon, as it’s a crappy damage mid-level weapon. What could have been amazing is relegated to being a pre-buff stick on limited builds. I’d prefer they just add IAS and FRW to it, and save BoS for something new and great for endgame.

just nerf teleport

i think thats a good way
teleport back to the location you last teleported from
then you can still teleport back and forth without getting too far off the screen. For example, you teleport forward then you have 8 seconds to go back to the same place with the same teleport skill and if you sit out the 8 seconds then you can teleport forward again without going back and that repeats itself or keeps going back and forth all the time without any CD.
so you either have normal teleport with 8 sec CD or forward back without CD all in 1 skill

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Some people are complaining about Hustle being a pre-buff item and only be used on swap.

I have this idea :
Replace the Chance to cast Burst of speed level 9 on Strike
Chance to gain a stack of Frenzy level 5 on hit

Level 5 Frenzy last only 6 secondes
Attack speed is +7 to 27% (full stacked) vs +45% flat from BoS
Run/walk speed is +47 to 119% (full stacked) vs 52% flat from BoS

This could also be implemented on armor, for exemple, 75% chance when struck.

The low duration of the buff would restrain people to use the runeword permently.

Barb would have the possibility to synergize with Increase Stamina for an additionnal 8 secondes duration.

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