Hustle - Consider Last Minute Changes

Before you close up shop for 2.6, please consider a few tweaks to Hustle weapon to ensure its an attractive option for using as a primary weapon (beyond pre-buff utility) while the Hustle armor defensive stats remain solid.

First, to make this runeword readily available in Nightmare playthrough, the developers should change from Shael Ko Eld to Shael Shael Eth. This change would lower the level requirement from 39 to 29 and could be farmed at NM Countess.

For the Hustle Weapon, the developers should change Fanaticism Aura from Level 1 to Level 3-5. This would improve the radius for minions and mercs from a very limited 7.3 yards to a workable 8.6-10 yards. Changing to Shael Shael Eth, the IAS would increase from 30% to 40% (Shael) and add -25% Target Defense (Eth) while removing Ko and Eld rune modifiers…

For the Hustle Armor, changing to Shael Shael Eth, the FHR would increase from 20% to 40% (Shael) and add Regenerate Mana 15% (Eth) while removing Ko and Eld rune modifiers…

One last detail. Hustle name feels out of place with Diablo lore and aesthetics. The names: Fervor, Haste, Vehemence or Celerity is much more fitting.


Agreed. Need we remind the community that the damage bonus from fanaticism is calculated in with skill bonuses and is nowhere near as powerful as 100+% enhanced damage rolled on the weapon itself.

The extra AR is also needed for melee as well and a 3-5 roll allows this to be a decent flexible choice for mercs, melee, and some prebuffing.

Otherwise fanat level 1 is just too low to matter.

Updoot, upvote, repost, rehost, whatever etc to get the message out. This rw is completely subpar as it is right now.


I really wish they would buff BoS a bit, i was going to use that for prebuffing regardless of everyone complaining about it, and now…


why not just make it an open skill.
1 to Fant, not when equipped, but when its actively on grants you that skill if you activate it, that way it benefits from other +all skills.

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This fix must be enough fair , but no for Shael Ko Eld runeword, that means this new rw is just low crap to answer “no weapon on start season” and “meelee still sucks, enjoy”.

Hustle weapon is a great addition to the game and offers a solid choice for NM, but they need to buff the Level of Fanaticism so we can get a workable radius for minions and mercs, not to mention added AR to help melee.

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Eld needs to be replaced with Eth…

Remove the burst of speed proc. Raise Fant to level 13.

Increase ED to 225-250.

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Updated OP. I agree with changing Eld rune to Eth with a modest boost in ED. The other change would be too drastic of a request.

Still a lower SIAS than the combined level 1 proc + level 1 Fant (32 vs 36)

Weapon base damage sucks. Period. This would open merc options at the very least for physical builds.

Fant aura is additive with other skill damage multipliers. Going from 5 to 13 isn’t much of a damage boost.

Can also add “Increased Speed” skill if you want another run/walk alternative to BOS


I think buffing Hustle weapon’s Fanaticism Aura, ED, and giving it minus target defense by changing to Eth rune would make it a very solid runeword. I don’t think we should request anything else as it may make it DoA.

+1 for this change!!

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Last minute change:

  • remove Fana

  • remove ctc BoS on striking

  • add 15% ctc 9 lvl BoS on attacking

  • replace ed by +180-220dmg

  • add 4ar per lvl

  • add fcr

I’m sorry, those proposed changes are too drastic and would be DoA.

Then this wep will be totally useless :slight_smile:

Why does a mid tier physical build need FCR? This isn’t something you would be using with Enigma… :rofl:

Also, level 9 BOS = prebuff weapon only. Physical builds shouldn’t need to rely on prebuffs to be viable.

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Yeah better to make mid tier RW for some niche builds (SumminCe is enough strong and nn more buffs, also there is Beast RW with Fana) which every1 forget after ~two days after reset than viable mid weapon with prebuff end game which fixes IAS and FRW problems and enables many options for end game 1&2handers.

They wont fix IAS, so it was our last chance.

Better prebuff BoS than nothing.

Ejoy again caster ld lol.

HF lol

Epic, really EPIC :slight_smile:

Respectfully disagree. Buffing Hustle weapon’s Fanaticism Aura, ED, and giving it -target defense would make it a very solid choice for melee characters.

Now you’re asking for too much. Asking for 3-5 fanat is good enough.

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That’s fair and removed the bump in ED. I still think changing Eld rune to Eth rune for minus target defense is still a solid change.

Even with +15 lvl Fanaticism, the melee char still would not be able to compete with a budget Tal Rasha sorc.

Not sure if we can call it “too much”.

Of course, you might be feeling like, “Ok this is a buff from 30 to 60. Doubled! Too much!”

When casters are already like 100, buffing the poor melee from 30 to 60 is not “too much” at all.

Still 90% of D2 population will again start with sorcs and hammerdin/ FOH din in the new season.