How's that temporary queue working out for you all?

Checking in after a few months of doing anything else with my life.

Looks like the devs have made some nice QoL improvements to the temporary queue they needed for a little while. That’s pretty cool.

Ladder going to launch soon, right? Exciting stuff.

Cya round!

nobody knows.

no queue anymore but the game delay majorly sucks

lobby and spam makes staying there even 5 seconds unbearable

The temporary solutions to log in queue and game creation timers are working beautifully. Some may not agree about the creation timers, but it’s not possible to make everyone happy.

A few months? More like a few years. Ya ought to get that +1 to Teleport checked out, it took you a little too far. Llama already hit that 50th grail, and Dbrunski vs Cooley was the fight of the century. Crazy stuff, hell my highlight was a Ber Rune around just over the two month mark. Still chasing that Jah though, still hadn’t decided if I’d hold off for Infinity.

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You forgot the part where Rhykker fell off the face of the planet, and everyone was none the wiser about it.

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I actually liked the old bloke too. RIP.

Hows it working out? It doesnt work. Period. I get pretty frustrated trying to access my mules or trying to join games. Its stupidy at its finest. 3 months in and still no fix. So many players left and forums are so dead too.

K … Queue still excist it just changed how they notifie you about it and such … lolz no real QoL improvements realy …

Did he die or something?

They’re not fixing underlying problems, only restrict ppl from making games in rapid succession.
Which really is annoying when you wanna check which mule has that one item you just sold on traderie.
I don’t think they will ever fix the real problems, the money is already in and no subs or mini transactions to make more.
It’s just Blizzard’s reputation going down the drain but hey that’s been going on for a while now, Activision does not seem to care about that.