How To Trade In Game: “From Level 1 to Enigma in 24 hours.”

This is a fun video to watch on how to quickly make an Enigma with just in game trading.

For some reason I’m no longer allowed to embed videos. I assume it’s due to my lack of use of the forums over the past 6 months or so.

Anyway, title name of the video is “From Level 1 to Enigma in 24 hours.”

But But The drop rate is too low!!! It is the reason everyone is leaving the game!!! JSP users are cheating because they get Enigmas quickly!!!

We know how to do it. But he got some fortunate drops and trades that don’t happen easily, too. I essentially followed his plan to level a pally but went FoH since it’s ladder and P1 by default. Kills fast in those same areas and has no problem in thrown room or confined spaces. Have really gotten nothing I would call desired to others. Claim to fame was getting a Lem very early for a Treachery but its need was greater than my willingness to trade it at this point in the season. I’m just taking a break from D4 till next season, anyway, but thanks for the vid.