How to make the grind to 99 a bit more interesting? Hard skill cap raise

These are just example numbers but we could have lvl 91-93-95-97-99 raise the hard skill cap by 1 each

Alllowing you to have at 99 25 hard points spent on skills

This could be a very good motivation for a lot of people to grind for level other than just aspire for a number

There would be tangible benefit to grind those incredibly long levels

and furtherly enforce casters :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have enough Motivation without this changes. Thx


Are you trying to make the grind more interesting or just raise the power level a lot?
If first than I don’t think grind will become more interesting, finally reaching the next level will.
If second, very good attempt, this will definitely make all builds, but especially caster a lot stronger!



That is whole other thread. Not read all of it, but i’ve read in the OP that a lv. 30 bash skill would give about 300 flat damage (so i asume not base damage). I know you just puts numbers to debate but 300 in bash… in the 90-99 lv spectrum? Thats tremendous power. Compare it to +5skills on casters, if you link those ideas, ok?

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Helping to enable single skill builds is the opposite direction we should be going


Then remove synergies or rework them into global synergies

Because synergy purpose and effect is disincentivize hybrid builds

I don’t like the idea of removing
I think there should be MORE synergies so you can truely customize a dual spec build


For once we agree

And this is the most logical path

I really don’t get how you fail to see the issue with your suggestions.
The reason why the grind to 99 annoys players isn’t that there is little power to get, it’s that the amount of grind required becomes absurd for the higher levels. Since the grind is absurd, and the gains very small, a lot of players simply skip the end of the grind, because they feel it’s not necessary.
If you make the rewards feel mandatory, due to improved power, players will indeed go do the grind more, and then get burned away from the game because the grind is just annoying to do.

Another issue is that, by increasing the number of points players can spend in a single skill, you are going to pidgeonhole them even more in a few skills rather than have an array of skills at their disposal. Plus, by increasing the ability to specialize in those few skills, you introduce power creep in the game.

In other words : if you want more players to try to go to level 99, do not increase the rewards for doing so, rather make getting to level 99 less tedious.
And please. DO NOT LINK one of your other threads in answer to this. They are not a relevant part of the discussion, no matter how much you want to plug them in any chance you can.


Not my fault if have have the perfect solution for everything, that’s my natures sorry

I have to live with the curse of excellency

Cant succeed under one sent of rules and conditions may as well go to the forums and make a game out of rules and conditions you might succeed in. Cute.

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99 is a grind. Adding ‘rewards’ doesn’t make it less of a grind it just makes it feel more required. Honestly they could rebalance hit a bit so the grind felt less required for melee characters imo.


Eehehe nice one. :rofl: 20 of them


No, you just throw out every conceivable idea so that if Blizzard implements something close you can crow that it was your idea.

My grandmother was like that. She would throw out everything that could go wrong when we did something. Then when something inevitably would go wrong she said I told you so. She never mentioned the 14.3 million times she was wrong.


Your ideas are getting worse and worse…

Why would you want to force people to grind baal to 99? Everybody who isn’t 99 would be at a major disadvantage.

That idea is a new low.

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Thanks! I really appreciate your feedback

And this time, I really believe you.

May I add that a better solution might evolve around the “how” to get to 99 instead of added reward.

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Wow great ideas, I’ll add this to my reflexions when thinkering how to improve the game

You are such of great help thanks