How to make Knockback no more an hindering for melee and buff melee at the same time

Melee splash through Knockback Aka: killing 2 birds with 1 stone? Giving melee more aoe and at the same time making a mechanic very bad for melee more interesting. And all this with thematic, logic and physics

Knockback is crap for melee since it moves the monster away from your melee range but of we give the special perk of splash to Knockback it would put a solid balm on his horrible drawback. You now have the choice to play without Knockback and therefor no splash or live with the Knockback and the awesome effect it creates

#Logic and theme behind the concept:

We all agree that pushing somebody into other people transfers that energy

Following this, it would only makes sense that knock back causes the same thing and since damage is energy, the transfer of energy is damage

So it would make absolute logic that Knockback transfered damage in a semi-conical shape in the direction of the Knockback

#Things to know about Knockback

Knockback is a really despised mechanic for melee but tying a splash damage to it would make it way more interesting and wanted

It’s also a Stat you can decide to acquire or not

I would tune down the existing sources to create more insentives to stack it and make it harder to benefit from that great mechanic

There is something to know about Knockback it’s that the distance is based on the size of the target. There are 4 catergories

  • small (100% distance)

  • medium (50% distance)

  • large (25% distance)

  • immovable (0%)

Knowing that this would alter the shape of the cone

Smaller monsters would generate longer but narrower cones

Larger monsters generate larger but shorter cones

Like crushing blow, I would apply a damage penalty to bow generated splash


It would be awesome to have mechanics buff rather than just number tweaking

Skills like Bash have 100% chance to KB so it would make this skill super flavourful, it would compensate it’s boring single target and lack of effect

So you make 2 bird 1 stone, you make Turn Knockback from a negative to a positive mechanic and you help melee

TLDR: enemies in the line of the Knockback receive a fraction of that damage by getting bumped by the knocked back monsters

This wouldn’t be much of “ADDING” a mechanic but rather improving an existing one