How to fix werewolf druid

  1. spirit of the barbs.
    seriously guys? why does this exist in its current state? its completely worthless. absolutely NO ONE uses it… and wolf has a huge issue with no way to break physical immune… and no skill to ignore them because both fireclaws and rabies are currently worthless

rework this to give a -physical resist conviction type aura ( and maybe add -poison res as well… you can choose values but they need to be at LEAST 1-2 per lvl… and maybe start off at like 5 or 10.

  1. Rabies,
    the duration makes this skill worthless

this is actually the easiest fix, cap the duration at between 4 and 6 seconds
and maybe add a 10% synergy with dire wolf

  1. Fireclaws,
    somehow you made this skill worse with your changes

revert synergies to original and levels convert 75% of base damage to fire damage and the add flat damage
this gives wolves a way to use it similar to berserk on barb

  1. Attack speed
    while i do love your attack speed change and it does wonders for fury and lvling,
    i am aware that for bear and wolfbarb… its absolutely guts them

please make it so like it did in ptr it chooses the higher value between the old formula and the current formula

  1. Feral rage,
    skill description ( or skill) is bugged

Solution: either make the skill match the description or make the description match the skill actual effects

for more info on this bug u can check out

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allow them to teleport in form and gg

i mean… i don’t really see a need for it.

but i wouldn’t mind
especially if they fixed rabies, as its very good on a rabies build if you don’t absolutely need the damage from bramble

I would just put brand on swap, cta is clunky and overkill on shifty druid anyhow

How to fix melee druid? Its easy, switch Ravens curse from blindness to amplify damage. It will fix both melee druid and also improve weak summoner.

How to improve spirit of barbs? Flat reflected magic dmg with synergy from other skills.


I think that giving Spirit of the Barbs something like minus to enemy physical resistance is a brilliant idea. Along the way they should give all Pet Spirits physical immunity in Hell difficulty. I keep spamming my Pets all the time but to no avail; they keep dying. Eventually i just play without them. That’s how it is and that’s how it has always been.

I wish Blizzard had more balls to balance builds in a meaningful way. I just fear they don’t have much interest in d2r anymore. But hope is the last thing to die.

Option B, nerf everything else down to shifter levels in the name of balance, and we’d still have a game to play.