How to beat Dclone with Summon druid?

So, there I was minding my own business, just slowly doing a ball run with my summons druid and the first wave didn’t spawn trash, rather the Dclone!

So, I figured I would have a go? However much to my dismay my full summon druid with 42 points in all pets, and 2/3 maxed HOTW, utterly failed, miserably so, not being able to do 1 mm or more dmg to his health bar.

The regular wolves, all die in 1 shot, I mean they are kinda grateful they get to see more than just normal only now, I guess, but nope they were not going to cut it, the merc also fell over dead immediately, he does this on a regular basis tbh, bosses, champions, mobs, bad tempered cows, its all the same, I regularly have to go back to town and res him then refit his crash helmet and velcro shoes.

Next up were the maxed dire wolves, same at lvl 41, they lasted about 50% longer, so 1.5 seconds and all dead. Shame. I was dispatching more dogs that PETA at this point, with the sole aim maybe I could just bury him under an ever-growing pile of canine corpses and hope he didn’t notice me.

The bear with 7.3k hp lasted a bit longer, nearly 3-4 seconds at times before becoming a new throw rug. And as for the HOTW that just seemed to die on its own, maybe out of depression watching all this occur while the sentient weeds, either poison or life, just rolled around on the floor before being sautéed.

This led to me being chased around the pillars in my bear form stopping to just have time to throw a few more deeply disturbed pets into the hulking angry BBQ chasing me.

Meanwhile the ravens did what ravens do best, which is to say not very much, on paper at 4k damage each x 5 at 55 hits should be 1.1m damage – alas they either don’t hit, or he blocks them, or I suspect merely ignores them as although ravens can be a threat to new born lambs, rodents and trash cans they are it seems less effective against 20ft of enraged hell brute.

So, before I got a visit from sanctuary’s animal welfare officer and a small series on Netflix I decided to quit, which leaves me to wonder, how or can a pure summon build defeat the end game bosses? – a Necro can, by using Udars with crushing blow, and tele stomping (I have no enigma yet) though I suspect it will make no real difference. And the usual top 3 meta builds – yawn, all can, easily.

Other than this menagerie of rag tag animals I have via +skills 16 in w’bear and lycan for the hit points. – sure I could cut back on pets and add elemental, but then I might as well just do an ele build, or I could invest more in shapeshifting, but then why not just go full fury furry, the issue at hand is that while the druid summon can at least now do hell on players 1 its still not gonna cut it versus end game and even then its boring, the pets with no AOE and iffy AI (you know ur attacking a target and half your pets and just stood there sniffing themselves or staring cross eyed at the battle) and don’t get me going on the phy immune/cold immune mobs, just bypass as quick as possible.

Not saying all builds should be uber slaying speed freaks, but at least have a chance to do all end game, currently by collection of dogs, bears and vegetables would have a higher survival rate in a wet market. Perhaps give the bear some crushing blow? Or some open wounds or something while a bit of synergy from the poison or solar noodles could help? But if anyone has some great tips on defeating dclone or even ubers with a pure summon let me know


They should add ability to have extra bear and maybe add crushing blow or deadly strike to wolves!And possible on very high skill lvl for bear to have HP as much as golems like 12-15 k hp!

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Don’t be a pure summoner. Invest heavily in summons, but put some points into stuff like WW or WB, whit a good weapon, for situations like these. Oh and your Ravens are your best source of dmg, and use an A5 Frenzy merc.

I guess try to find necro wand with Life tab charge (from Malah in Act 5 shop) and combo with freeze aura A2 Merc with some crushing blow/prevent monster heal and damage reduce in gear may work.

This may help your merc stand at diablo longer and your summon help do damage.

they seem to be on paper, but not in practice, just tested vs baal hell p1, should be 500k hp give or take, level 41 ravens 3895 per peck, x 5 of them - 19.4 k, x 55 hits 1m dmg, total…alas not even close. 2 full resummons along with bear wolves etc, chipped him down. but they don’t seem to be doing that damage. i always though they had auto hit, they don’t, so could be the attack rating is still too low to count?

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Did you count for baals resistances to certain things on hell?And they are underperforming since they need some special quality open wounds crushing blow or similar!

Yeah Ravens have attack rating, so that may be a problem.

not to be rude but I’ve crushed dclone 5 times now with my posted summoner build. And it was easy. literally stand like 10 feet away and just keep casting wolves and dire wolves and occasionally drink a rejuv to replenish mana and hp. You apparently have no ranged besides ravens. If I hadnt had so many “vacations” (forum time outs that drop your user rank) I could actually upload footage to show people how to play it. To be honest from the videos of other players most aren’t really doing it “right”

I actually zealed him to death yesterday in combo with merc with 1 point in zeal and 1 point in fanat with a “black” scourge and some goreriders just to see if I could. On a Foh/Hammer Hybrid pally.

Which merc did you use if i may ask :slight_smile:


maybe its because druid summoner isn’t designed to be its own build.

necro has ce and curses, druid has nothing.

the reason you onyl used to be able to summon one at a time is they were support to be for support… not your source of damage.

sumoiner druid isnt “supposed” to be good… they just gave it to you because you cried like babies for it…

dont be sad “it isnt good” or “i cant control my summons” or all i can do is tele around" or “there is nothing to do”

we all freaking told you that already, you didn’t listen…

now stop crying and realize you are wrong and get over it

Idk what summoner you are, but my druid bow summoner had no problem taking out Dclone, as Edge runeword has Prevent Monster Heal. Just re-summon as summons die, and voila, easy peasy.


act 1 fire merc with blade bow base with runeword edge. not even top end bow. only lvl 45 base

Funny thing is how you can just max dire wolves for the HP on summons and 1 points the rest and have a pretty solid army of meat shields following you around on whatever druid build.

this part is kinda broken. Number of pets should increase with amount of points. (no low points full zoo) I feel too many “hybrids” getting full summon benefits without the “commitment”. should also have 2 bears at over lvl 20 and 3 at over lvl 30 for “heavy” summon build/commitment of points. IF not additional bears at more points then definitely at least more dire wolves than 3 at higher points

Yeah it’s kinda crazy that you get the full pet army, and they have 85% of the full build hp for just maxing dire wolves lol. I mean damage wise they suck… but you still have room to go Wind or shift with your army of meat shields while you kill everything.

exactly its full benefits almost with little drawback.

act 3 enchant merc :slight_smile:

You are so wrong,
Who says is support? Who? Did blizzard posted a statement saying druid is made to be support? Link plz then. Oh wait, NO because there was no blizzard to do balance changes and that spec just left to rot unfinished and we just accept the spec as support. So dont assume things. Its not passive but a pure spec like necromancer. Every game has summoners who can rely on summons. Is the spec ok now? No but is far better and viable that what it was.

Many things will change and will keep changing, cause diablo 2 isnt a perfect game but we just used to it as it was.


I mean to be fair… you don’t have to tell me a cat is a cat either. :stuck_out_tongue:

Summon tree for druids was quite obviously never intended to be it’s own spec. It was a lot closer to the barb passive tree, or necro curse tree than an actual build.

Not to say it can’t be made ot work in it’s current form, but from 1.10 until 2.4 that’s just how it was.