This game has a pretty decent modding community and I’ve found some really cool stuff to change the game up enough to squeeze a few dozen hours out of singleplayer. I can’t figure out how to invite my friend to play with me on a modded game, though. I obviously don’t want to do this in ladder or anything official, but I thought there was going to be some sort of multiplayer support for unnoficial games. Is it possible to do this? I think the original D2 had this capability didn’t it?
You’re like years and millions of complaints and discussions behind. After originally suggesting TCP/IP would be included, they left it out due to security concerns while open bnet was cut out completely since it was used in many ways to bring hacked items onto closed bnet…
Only option is to wait until private servers pop up.
That wasn’t the reason they left it out though. It was to avoid putting in the mechanic that would allow for private servers to more easily exist.
So there is basically nothing I can do? I could have sworn there was a way to connect directly to me somehow. Oh well. . .
In LOD there was. And there are mods for it as well. But nothing for D2r as of yet. I’m sure someone is working on it, not sure how they’ll get around the legality of it, but they’ll get it done eventually.
Uhh what? I’ve been a supporter for multiplayer mods in D2R since it was announced lol. I was sad when they removed TCP/IP and was one of the first to ask here for its reimplementation, although that was obviously never going to happen in retrospect.
For the OP, as the others have said there’s no way to play mods with other people in D2R as they removed TCP/IP before launch and Open Bnet was never going to fly in a modern Bnet game. You’ll just have to wait for private servers, which there is one in the works but development is very slow and is probably a year out at least, probably multiple.
Looks like Trollok is hard at work trying to earn his next forum vacation.
Dafuq, I already replied with a proper response? Can you get any lamer?
Are you guys all secretly friends? Same person with different accounts? Something else?
What is the joke?
Please don’t egg on the bad trolling, your thread is answered
You been eaten clowns or what, go play single player to cheat your /pX, Trollok. I’ve never, like NEVER talked about modding xD
You ain’t got other hobbys? Just sittin in your cave and pretending things? Wa*kin in front of your Monitor?
You are so delusional, holy cow. Moo!

What is the joke?
Turlok is the joke. Just put him on ignore like everybody else did. He never added anything of value to any topic.

Are you guys all secretly friends? Same person with different accounts? Something else?
What is the joke?
Your thread summoned every active user troll and non-troll. And I believe almost all of them are individuals to be honest. Though they dislike each other because they disagree on X subject while agreeing on most everything else.
So far though you haven’t summoned the mega-trolls or idiots, so at least you have that.

they left it out due to security concerns while open bnet was cut out completely since it was used in many ways to bring hacked items onto closed bnet…
That WAS the original proclamation, however …
They actually admitted that the REAL reason was to FORCE players into online play only, for 2 main reasons …
to expose people to the employee driven RMT stores
To fake/embellish/inflate [whatever] online numbers to facilitate the sale and sale price of botnet to MS. They sure pulled the wool over MS’s eyes and bobby-boi got paid!
Also, it was Open Battlenet where all of the hacks bled over onto Closed Battlenet. See, Closed and Open battlenet were on the same server. Hackers figured this out and figured a way to “crossover” characters with certain items and trade them quickily. Then said items were on Closed bnet and were heavily duped using a lag-hack. And, none of the college graduates foresaw this?
TCP/IP uses ONE private computer [NOT connected to bnet in any way, shape, or form] as a host and other people [using private computers not connected to bnet in any way, shape, or form] connect to that computer. There is NO bnet connection whatsoever. And, w/o there being any connection to bnet in any way, shape, or form … they CANNOT cause ANY security risk to Closed bent. They perpetrated a major fraud and sold it to you …
Another massive lie perpetrated by botik & crew.
Wasn’t one of the guys that got paid due to this named: Ben Dover