How can I play D2R offline?

Hello friends, need help on how to make my D2R game offline, that it doesn’t require login to launch server otherwise it’s not off at all or even better if there is a way to make it work without internet connection.

Thanks in advance


After launching the game, there should be a ToggleButton that allows you choose between online or offline characters. If you toggle offline, then create a character, that character will not require an internet connection. The client will still need to connect every 30 days iirc, but that character will be stored locally.


you’ll have to log in for the first time and then once every 30 days. To play offline, you can launch the game the oldschool way, via the .exe file. No bnet launcher or internet connection needed.

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I’ve been playing it online and offline but now I can’t even get into it to play it offline, was wondering is there another way to play it like the good old day

Thanks to both

I was able to play the game offline until a couple of days ago, so I tetherd my comp to my cellphone since we are in a service argument with our soon to be former isp, and now no matter what I do ( including what has been mentioned in these forums ) nothing will let me play d2r offline… I have tried everything posted here, and nothing works… and yes, I did log in for a few min and play a toon while tethered just to try to get the game to recognise the connection… and since d2r doens’t have any battlepass stuff to dealk with, that shouldn’t be a factor either. So until we find a new and more honorable provider, it looks like we are going to be offline for the duration