Hi, I'm a stupid lazy trader

Hi, I’m a stupid lazy trader
When I join a game I ask for offer
When I make a game I ask for offer
When I sell items I ask for offer
When I buy items I ask for offer
But when I get an offer, I suddently know the exact value of the item and I’m very vocal about it.



The point of this thread is what exactly?


To rant about the use of ‘offer?’

Seems obvious. But yes, it happens all the time.

This is what’s called attempting to maximize your profits, by setting no floor price, and seeing just what comes your way.

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it’s like taxes. They know what you owe but want you to do all the work.

lol the title of this, I can relate to.
I am the most daft, no patience person when it comes to trades, When I need something I over pay.

This is why JSP is a thing…