Hello everyone, i got this new PS5 Slim and i have strange graphical (texture flickering in white) issues. maybe artifacts?
Can anybody confirm this is just a Bug? My Son tested in his Fat PS5 and there No sutch issues.
All other Games i tested runs fine so far which leaves me clueless. GPU overheating Just with D2R? Should be wierd.
Excuse my bad english since im no native speaker.
Maybe the PS5 Slim has a graphics card that is not compatible with D2R. I can’t really confirm that though. Just my best guess. I wish you luck getting your answer.
I think I know what you mean… I do have this on my Xbox Series X when too much animation is going on, mostly when mosaic assassin finishes Baal with all 6 charges or often when I kill Shenk and the animation kicks in…
To me, it is a clear graphics processing/rendering issue. Last year, I was playing on a much weaker, 4 years old Xbox Series S and had similar experience, so most of the game works/renders graphics well without this.
It is all just guesswork but I suggest looking into testing your Hardware/Graphics card with perhaps other games. Fortnite is a good one, free and its Unreal Engine 5 seems to drive my Series X so hard that my fan sounds like a jet engine.
D2r is very graphic intensive on ps5 for whatever reason… As long as long noy seeing pinks and greens on your screen… The rendering and glitches are normal…
if you do see pinks and greens happening… GPU failure and I recommend getting a hold of a repair center immediately before warranty is up. Had this happen to mine tho my ps5 was one of the day ones. Was replaced like new and I still see rendering issues on d2r jus no more pink and green issues.