Help getting a legit character and item editor

hello, im going to buy d2 and expansion and the resurrected add on. but what i really want to do is build my own character and make things like enigma and hotos. i will pay for the editor extra. thank you for any info and maybe a possible link?

#1this would only be possible in SinglePlayer, it’s not possible on Battlenet.

#2You can buy d2r and play full game without the need to buy D2 &LoD.

The editors for singleplayer are already out there. You can use Hero Editor v1.04 for Both D2/LoD v1.14D and you could convert those saves copy paste them into D2R and play. I heard there’s some fancy editor for D2R too… although you’d have to google it.

oh yes i forgot to mention, i will only be playing single player.

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