Health & Mana Potions sometimes not working

Both the health & mana potions are sometimes not registered.
When using potions sometimes doesnt give you the health / mana back but it does use the potions.


I hear ya, my HC character just died from it, used 3 health pots none of them registered but got used and then…dead. I have no hope left that blizzard will ever make a good game again, 22 years of playing blizzard games and this launch and all its problems will be my last game i pay them for

This is intended. Holding shift and drinking a potion gives it to your hireling. If you don’t have a hireling, it doesn’t do anything. You will still hear the potion sound effect.


No it is not…
Holding shift + right click is giving to your mercenary…

My issue here is “holding shift” and pressing 1, 2, 3, 4
Potions not beeing used, nor getting life/mana back from a potion, though i hear the potion sound…

Using shift is really common in D2(r), never had issues before in d2 with it.
1 - 4 should always override any key holding tbh.

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Shift + number key gives the potion to your merc.

It feels like you are under poison. After drinking a super healing, it goes as slow as + 10 health/sec.

In the original Diablo 2 you can hold shift a d use a number key for your potion and heal while you fight. I literally just did it in the original install. It’s been changed in resurrected.

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What can be done when you are poisoned?

Some poisons are just too strong to be out-healed using Health potions, so you’ll want to start keeping Antidote potions with you.

You have to wait for the poison duration to end (e.g. 100 psn for 50 seconds) - either by itself (+ using healing/joov potions to keep you alive until it ends), by cleansing aura from merc/team pala, antidote potion, or going to healer in town.

I just died for it… I DID NOT HOLD the shift (the “Thanks” was not shown either)… I hit 3 and 4 (rejuvs) and NONE was registered… OG… It is not the first time… The sound was played… Twice…

My potions are not working either.