HC Character dead after leaving a game

Title is obvious. I leave a game running cows in nightmare on my 53 Assassin. Go to join the next game and it tells me I can’t join because I’m “Already in a game”. Try again, same message. Go back to main lobby and reselect character. Try again. “Dead characters cannot create or join games”. Relaunch the game in disbelief and sure enough, my character is dead. First of all… there’s no excuse for this. When you can leave a game in the original release of LOD in the middle of a pack of mobs in a millisecond with no effect with 1 HP left. Yet I leave a game with an empty screen giving the last remaining cow 5 whole minutes to wander across the map and kill my character while I stare at a lobby screen trying to join a game? There’s no excuse for that. At all. Either this gets fixed or I stop playing this game.


Plenty of HC deaths lately to some ridiculous reasons. You’re not alone.


Same thing happened to me, seems to be a bug where save and exit doesn’t leave the game.


Return to the town and then exit the game.


No? When you exit the game you should leave the game right when you exit like it literally always has been. Not sit in the lobby for 5 minutes and wait for the game to finally catch up to the fact that you actually left. I shouldn’t have to compensate for blizzards mistake.


I had the same problem today, left without any danger, and afterwards my character seems to be dead…? Did you get a solution?


No solution. Unless Blizzard fixes this in a future patch, it will continue to happen. Unfortunately a lot of people will simply just say “Go to town and then leave the game.” like the comment above. More people will need to speak about the topic and raise attention to it. Otherwise Blizzard will most likely not fix it. My opinion anyways.


This is happening to some people but not everyone.
Been playing with friends who DO NOT have this issue, ie. when they leave a game their character instantly leaves and they can create/join another game.
I on the other hand, when I leave a game and go to the lobby my friends are telling me my character is still in the game for about 30-40 seconds.
Of course during this time my character is still in the game I cant join/create another game. Oh and it doesn’t matter where my character is when I leave the game, town or not, its still the same.

The fact that this is happening only to some people means its DEFINITELY NOT WORKING AS INTENDED like some morons on the forums are suggesting.


oh wow, i just posted about this too (my 1st post on the forum)!

happened just now right after doing cows too. i tp’d to down, went to stash and then akara. then saved and exited game.

at least there’s some solace that i’m not alone. godspeed OP, thank you for making the topic