How do you guys feel about a /players being available, possibly just upon game creation with a “number of players” setting. I know it is definitely similar to the torment system of D3 in that it grants more xp, and more drops, however I think being able to mf in a closed system without having to rely on public game hopping for the most part would be beneficial to the game.
To those purists out there that think this is somehow dumbing down, or making the game “easier” I think need to step back and realize that they would use, and enjoy this system being in the game. Everyone creates mf runs where they are just slamming a certain boss, or couple of bosses and areas. Being able to do so without the hassle of finding idle levelers in hell, and killing bosses they were heading towards I think is a positive for everyone.
I think this is another one of those, “people were finding ways around it” things that I think everyone would enjoy, and those that say they won’t would use it and love it just as much as everyone else.
i think we should have it, setting the game to player 8 and clearing it by yourself does most certainly make the enemies have a lot more hp and deal much more damage.
it would certainly greatly improve playing online by yourself.
it does provide less incentive to play with other players which is a problem
i think a good medium would be to be able to “USE” players 8 but for it not to grant the “full” effect loot wise as a player joining
idk, its hard to balance because it would be MUCH better when playing alone but it would make playing with other much worse if u were capable of killing stuff in an 8 player game alone and then had to needlessly share loot with nearby players.
overall though i think the increased difficulty it’s worth the trade off even if i think /players 8 loot should ideally not be quite as high as it in with players 8 in single player. i don’t see that a “big enough reason” to not have it at all.
it certainly is a factor that i think should be weighed before making a final decision, but for me, i still think having /plays 8 online would be more worthwhile than any damage it does to the “community” aspect.
then again if they add single player ladder playing single player would actaully be fun… soo who knows
When I first thought about it, I thought it would be a good idea. It has been a much wanted feature for ages. However, as I thought more on it, it really wouldn’t be a good idea. The reason SP has it is due to simulation of multiplayer bonuses when you are playing offline. It also would remove the incentive of things like better xp playing with a party.
The thing I find hilarious though, is that one of the big reasons that the anti-personal loot bunch hate the idea is because of the effect on the economy. Wouldn’t having this feature effect the economy as well?
All the public Baal runs and what not will be full of players all the time who can’t travel/kill things efficiently solo.
Since most people MF in private games, I don’t think the feature would even have a noticeable impact on how many public games there were. Most public games up are already going to be people who can’t do things efficiently solo or PvP/trade games.
This would ruin multiplayer D2 is one of the best if only ARPG’s that reward playing with others i don’t want to see that ruined just play single player if you want to play solo with this
I’m actually considering the opposite. I think while keeping the mobs hard, you get full loot drops in a /players 8, but not the xp benefit of having more people in the game. That way if you want to level, which many people do, you’re still forced to play in public games. I’m definitely willing to compromise on the amount of drops, or even maybe capping it at /players 4.
I do believe most people are going to solo mf anyways, or even solo play through the game in general. I think having the option to increase difficulty even while just playing through the game will increase the incentives to keep playing, as you won’t really ever feel that you’re missing out.
Someone posted that people wanting this are also not a fan of personal loot, and how that would somehow mess with the economy, I really don’t think so.
As someone who has played a lot of d3, and played d2 since launch, I think the general happiness level of people would be much much higher with personal loot. However it would kind of suck if you’re slamming chaos runs for leechers and they keep getting HR’s while you’re missing out. It’s probably much easier to keep it the way it is in terms of loot drops, but having players options in personal games I think is still a valid option.
To some extend I think its just the feeling of having harder content /players 8 can provice, sure loot and exp is very nice, but we can already get those from joining other random games.
But as it is now my tesladin is pretty much just a walk simulator on p1, so instead I just crash any kind of random gave to have a challenge. Which imo is a bad feature for a game that focus on MP, sure im technically playing with others, but Im really not playing with them. Im rushing ahead of them all teleporting around and clearing the content before them.
wow its amazing how much my opinion changed since the games release. i apparently used to be “for” it.
overall i am much MORE against it now because people are acting like jerks to get more loot… which never used to happen. and i dont think they should be rewarded in any way
And my 8 accounts will be running 90% of the HC Bnet population. Sorry, but when there are only 3 people IN TOTAL, on Bnet… how do you get an 8 player game? I’m done with ‘lets make it more social’, because that’s not going to happen. Lobbies are not going to improve, and these forums are no place for group making (there arn’t even HC forums). Blizzard has left their Bnet population with no other choice than to ask for this function.
And I was certainly on the other side of this argument, before i changed my mind. I thought there would be an actual population, but you can log in throughout the day and see EMPTY game lists. This is driving me to play solo with playersX.