Harmony worth it?

Found a 4 os Ashwood bow with +3 to Bow skills. Is it worth it to make Harmony? I have a lvl 24 Amazon and I could push her to 39 pretty quickly and respec into Strafe. Could I get early-mid Hell with it? I do like Bowazons and it seem like a good base for Harmony.

Yes Harmony is a great runeword

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it is undeniable, my hireling runs with it , feelsgreat getting a 30% mf boost by merc . but if u stilll lack fire power I’d be leaning toward Eaglehorn or ulti verison of Kuko. u wont pass any futher act1 on hell with it tho. there’ll be powerful mobs with dual immune spawned fire/physical . so if u going to farm hell then look up these Ive listed above .

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Follow-up: I make Harmony (in a +3 Ashwood bow) and it’s pretty awesome. I was in A2 NM and I pretty much ran through A2, A3 and (mostly) A4. Slowing down a bit now but I think it should get me to early Hell np. A great runeword.

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I’m still on my +1 Ceremonial Harmony bow in A4 Hell, although it’s been tough sledding after a much easier A1 to A3. I’m in the waiting-for-better-runes-to-drop mode now.

For my Zealot, I love having my merc use Harmony; lets me escape packs quickly.