Hardcore is dead can we get players 8 to sustain our xp gains?

… What?

You’re the one charging yourself with the task of repeatedly requesting for /players X to come to closed Battle.net, which has never been a reality. I guess you feel that people who don’t agree with you on something that has never been a reality are somehow controlling you? If your request were granted, it would affect EVERYONE that plays the game.

You are not the center of the universe… Get your head out of the clouds, time to come back to reality.

Look at that deflection again. How is what you said even relevant to what I was responding to in the quoted text? Lol I think we’re learning more about you every post. The places your feeble mind goes to is quite interesting. I mean first we’re talking about somehow you getting assaulted by all of your previous girlfriends and somehow that makes you think “men degrading”? Suspicious connection.

How do you know the next game’s name? I muted you and told everyone else. And if the griefer made my next game for me, then he is no longer in my games? Either way I’ve won.

No I’ve said nothing in either direction. Again your deluded into thinking something was said by me when it wasn’t.

I’d have zero issue calling you crazy to you face. I’d be worried you’d freak out and accidently shoot yourself in the foot, at best. And nobody said anything about letting people be free to play. The fact that you cannot free yourself from griefers is strictly a YOU problem lol.

maybe you people will get the hint that A LARGE PORTION of the people on this forum are SICK OF BEATING THE DEAD HORSE. again. plz use brain.

Folks like clayclown are a walking contradiction, we will never resolve his hypocrisy

Jesus this thread went full retart very quick.

Players 8 is the best hope for sustainability in the long term.

At this point, nearly every player has all 20 char slots completely geared out. Theres no reason not to allow players 8 at this point.


While I agree with you somewhat on pX command. Quick question. What does every player having 20 chars slots completely geared out have to do with the pX command being implemented or not?

One of the main arguments i hear against players command is that it will ‘give everyone tons of loot and bots will be super rich, it will ruin the game’

Lmao the irony is awesome

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What irony? Do explain, id love to hear it.

Take your time, you’ll figure it out :laughing: gave me a good chuckle

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Oh cool, make a vague statement then when asked to explain it say figure it out yourself

Youre awesome! Lolololol hahaha thats too funny

Lmao vague? There was nothing vague about what I quoted and what I said. Trust me, you will figure it out or someone else like clayclown can help you.

Do you like SweetTards? I do, they are very tardy.

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Oh i do think i figured it out. You think its ironic that i said the thread went full retart, while presumably misspelling retart, which is with a D not a T.

Yeah, everyone knows how to spell the word, especially anyone playing video games for 30 years.

Its to get around filters and avoid timeouts, but keep thinking youre smarter than everyone

Pointing out irony is proving one’s intelligence? Dude, think you have just as many problems as clayclown. Why don’t you both meet up and become BFFs? You can join his hardcore baal runs.

Hey MystiKasT, just in case you haven’t seen it, here you go:

Blizzard said no, so you can stop spamming the forums like Clownmore12 begging for /players X on Battle.net

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Im not the one picking fights on a thread with someone because I honestly believe they didnt know how to spell retard.

F off dude youre trash

Im going to do it every month. The game needs players X

Local single player has /players X… Go play it.

You come into the thread to attempt to poke fun of “retarts”, I point out the irony and yet I’m the one that came in to pick a fight? Absolute comedy!