Honestly at this point I’m not sure he actually visits a therapist and that he just doesn’t have conversations with one of the voices in his head who thinks they’re a therapist. And if he does they should clearly have their license revoked if this is evidence of their ability.
Ive had my license for 20 years with zero accidents. I also have a CCW and legally own a gun and a supressor. Im a airforce veteran i understand none of you have served you should try it. Maybe developing confidence would help people be less obsessive about starting confrontations on the internet.
I told my therapist about this actually we laughed at how desperate it is to use someones disability as a crutch in an argument. We laughed about it like i told you we would
A swing and a miss in the first sentence. You shouldn’t have access to a gun, or probably even a butter knife. There is no way to know if any of the information provided is valid because one of the voices in your head could have told you that and now you’re simply reciting it.
Thats not how schizophrenia works son. Dont google the definition of schizophrenia and regurgitate it here. I should own a gun which i do legally as it is one of my rights as a lawful citizen.
All of my theraputic providers approve of me having a gun as im rational and not egocentric and neurotic. So learn your place in these threads because i promise you its not trying to educate anyone about mental health.
Had my drivers license for 20 years with zero accidents or tickets. Keep the rude convulsions in check please
Delusions and Hallucinations are both common issues with schizophrenia not to mention the further nuanced issues associated with it, which you’re not intelligent to understand. It literally is how it works.
Both your mental issues as well as your low intelligence should prohibit you from having access to a weapon. Chances are IIRC you probably shouldn’t have one as mental defects of this type would tend to make gun possession illegal. There might be some slight chance that you’re in one of the few states that isn’t true, but more likely it is just lax gun control in general that has allowed you to retain your firearm.
Your posts alone probe that isn’t the case. And their approval of gun ownership makes zero difference, simply put someone with your limited capacity shouldn’t have access to a weapon. The fact that you even brought it up as some sort of weirdo verification of your mental capacity also is extremely suspicious.
Nobody said otherwise.
This sentence makes no sense.
Symptoms like auditory voices are hallucinations not delusions. I have schizophrenia…you have no education, formal training or consistant experience interacting with someone with schizophrenia. Like i said you dont know what you are talking about and just want an excuse for your silly emotional opinion
Things that restrict you from owning guns are:
*having a crime abjudicated because of your mental illness
- having an article 71(involuntary 72 hout psychiatric hold)
- Being probate or psychologically deficient to the point you are a ward of the state
*domestic violence - being a felon
Please try to remotely make it seem like you are capable of learning facts before you patronize anyone.
Wanting a p8 or block toxic people from game option has absolutely nothing to do with schizoprenia. Does the possibility of having to monitor how you act in games in order to be involved in the community upset you? Yes i cant truthfully and correctly say that is your only reservation with this.
You said i shouldnt be able to drive my record proves i infact should.
What do you not understand about this?
“You shouldnt be able to drive”
This is the rude convulsion im describing
You have no formal education probably in anything let alone mental health.
You read the definition of schizophrenia on google and thought repeating that would be educational to someone who has it.
All of these actions are rude and convulsive
Just because auditory voices are hallucinations, doesn’t mean delusions aren’t a symptom
This is true in part though you forgot * Is a danger to himself or to others;
- Lacks the mental capacity to contract or manage his own affairs;
And I doubt that you’ve never had any of these issues, especially considering dumb you are on top of your mental issues. But perhaps, yes, you have fooled the system.
I didn’t make that statement in regards to you desire for the game. It was in reference to the other gibberish, stupidity, and idiocy you’ve posted. I personally don’t care if you’d want to ban people in your games or have a P8 slider, we could argue the merits of that sure, it is everything else that is the issue.
Never said you shouldn’t be able to drive
And you should probably gain a better understanding of the meaning of convulsion. In that context it makes no sense.
Honestly at this point I’m not sure he actually visits a therapist and that he just doesn’t have conversations with one of the voices in his head who thinks they’re a therapist. And if he does they should clearly have their license revoked if this is evidence of their ability.
This is what you said. A delusion is believing in something that isnt true. Auditory is a symptom. Just like i can hear you talking all day and it doesnt affect my physical autonomy, i can also hear other voices. Obviously this basic logic is redundant you just wanted to be antagonizing as an excuse for your sensitivity.
Can you post the source of this information you are regurgitating? Being a danger to yourself or others isnt contrasted to mental illness in the regulations. Its literally “being a danger to yourself or others” asking for players 8 on a d2r forum isnt dangerous albeit is emotionally upsetting to you. I didnt fool any system i had an extensive backround check done on me when i purchased my supressor, if you knew anything about guns youd understand that.
You said my posts prove im not sane enough to drive or own a gun. What did i post that you think justifies that? You are emotional and over reactive and you dont have buisness discussing any of these serious issues
You said i shouldnt have a license did you not?
I read that wrong before you said my therapist shouldnt have a license. This has nothing to do with my thread though so keep it to yourself
Absolutely none of that, says anything different than what I said? There are multiple potential symptoms associated with the disorder.
So you’re saying that delusions nor hallucinations couldn’t lead one to be a danger to themselves or others? Interesting take.
And nobody said it was in regards to your thoughts about the game state
Yes background checks are always flawless, and all therapists report everyone instantly to governing bodies right? No chance anyone has ever slipped through the cracks right?
I’m not sure with any sort of certainty that you legally should be prevented from having a gun. Still think they should probably take it away from you if I’m being honest, your brain is clearly broken to some degree, though I don’t think it is entirely due to your disorder. As for driving this is like the 3rd maybe 4th time where I’ve said I never said anything about you driving.
Reading comprehension is hard I know. Again once more, never said anything about you driving.
Ahh there you go!!! Congrats! As for that entire part you are correct this has nothing to do with your thread. But your lack of reading comprehension and misuse of convulsion really isn’t persuading me that you’re intelligent enough for the responsibility of owning a weapon.
We certainly could get back on topic, but won’t it be the same circle of reasoning you can’t understand? I mean I’m cool with the pX slider because the devs made an awful new version of the game that makes grouping more difficult than it should be. As for you being able to ban plays I say no. You claim bullying, and perhaps to some extend maybe it happens, but as I said before you probably instigate the issue, leading to letting the clowns have control rather than just simply ignoring it because it has no real effect on you. And honestly I like it when someone once in every 10,000 baal runs hostiles and I can camp a WP or entrance to throne room and kill the moron. Again as I said previously you seem to have the rarest instance of always having someone out to get you, and I don’t think it is simply due to you being the worlds most unlucky human.
The more you post, the more we all see how off the rocker you are and the more inconsequential d2r should be in your life.
hopefully they have a better outlook on the world than they do d2. because they straight up have horse blinders on when it comes to d2:r and their “suggestions”
Like i said if you cant tell the difference between the two dont try to educate someone who experiences it for themselves.
Yea…you said you cant be sure of anything im saying because its probably a symptom of schizophrenia. Simply neurotic and convulsive statement. You dont understand the difference between hullucinations and delusions.
Redundant, anything can cause someone to be a danger to themselves or others. Which law and the reality of actions and behaviour have proved im not. Once again dont talk about mental health or guns when you have no experience with it.
Ask yourself…what does this have to do with p8 function. Stop look in the mirror get some help.
I read something wrong in your spam it doesnt mean im violent or aggressive
Now imply this modesty to your knowledge about mental health and stop regurgitating on my posts
Sorry as much as your possessive convulsions disavow reading something wrong isnt enough to restrain my rights as a human.
The p8 slider has always been a good option so would be blocking people from a game you create.
I never claimed “bullying” ive said people can handle it mentally when you turn the terror zone off in game and it leads to tantrums. Its emotional and obsessive theatrics not bullying. They are beneath me and are victimized by their own emotional needy convulsions. I shouldnt be forced to degrade and abuse them just to play a game at legitimate XP levels.
*i dont provoke anyone but im not passive to their possessive tendencies for sure. I repeatedly offered to have you tag along when i host public baal runs while i was silent to show you how people act but you have always avoided it because im right.
How do you get experience if you are doing this every game for 200 games. Killing someone doesnt stop them from being a hinderence in your game.
Look at how obsessive you are in my threads, bringing up mental illness and trying to patronize people over it when you know nothing about it. Its not a “weird occurence” to have people be excessively possessive in this community
What about my posts is " off the rocker" you are over reacting and it wont be tolerated here
Nobody said they were the same thing though? Again you’re struggling with reading comprehension.
Not true it COULD be a symptom. I also don’t trust you because you seem quite idiotic and that most of your stories don’t add up. You might even have other issues that you’re not aware of or that your schizo issues are hiding.
Again you should stick to a vocabulary you actually understand.
But I do? Hallucinations manifest off a sense such as sight or sound etc. Meanwhile delusions are more conceptual, like you think everyone is out to get you. Again just because I used them both in one sentence doesn’t mean I think they’re the same thing. I’m sorry if that confuses you.
Yes, but with your mental disorder on top of your stupidity there is clearly a risk in allowing you to have possession of a weapon. And just because a law doesn’t specifically apply properly in a way in which they could strip it from you doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be one that applies. It is unfortunate that there isn’t an intelligence requirement, because then we’d have nothing to talk about on this subject because you would have never been granted one in the first place.
Man just a simply vocabulary test in order to obtain a firearm would leave you stuck using a water gun. You’re the type of person they make the warning labels on tide pods that alert you to the issues about their consumption.
Maybe on the first part. Probably not on the second part.
Easy? I don’t have an issue with someone running the TZ? Neither does most groups? And nobody ever trolls really? Even when a run has been ruined I’ve NEVER had a single person follow to the next game. But somehow it happens to you 24/7. Crazy.
Yes, yes it is. It is ONLY you with this issue. I mean seriously find me some threads where people are citing someone following them for 200 games and ruining it? The best part is you lack the intelligence to get rid of the issue and put up with it for 200 runs. Cuck mentality tbh.
I mean there isn’t anyone who disagrees with him? At a certain point, one would think you’d figure it out, that indeed you are the issue with almost all of your problems. Again stupidity alone should disqualify you from so much.
Ever hear the expression if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and quacks like a duck?
Well, if he types like he is a delusional idiot…
You did say that you idea you expressed was formed on that incorrect opinion yes. You didnt write that out but i was able to know you didnt understand that by how you wrote what you wrote
This is a pX function thread please refrain with spamming it with mental health issues that you know nothint about.
You are convulsively insulting my disability in a thread about pX function. It makes sense. If you cant handle it move on
Ok…so you are speculating the therapist i see that laughs about how obsessive the people in the forum are is a delusion or a hullicination? Technically it would be a hullicination which is initially what you got wrong.
What is stupid about what ive said? You need to calm yourself and put your excuses to the side. Look at the wall of text you made that has nothing to do with a pX function. Have you ever been arrested for domestic violence or crimes against children?
Yea you said condone was a large word you have always been upset that i am articulate. You are not fooling me dont be obsessed
You dont host enough games to know
Ive noticed that people are more fascinated with people they cannot degrade. Based off your reactions i could see why most people would deem you an easy target for emotional abuse and move forward.
Its not only me alot of people have posted about it and alot of the patrons in my baal runs have admomished people for doing it. I go next game and next game to show the griefer they cannot be possessive over me because i have no other option. Just like you wont be possessive over me with your sexual comments
Listen no need for drama just dont talk about things you no nothing about next time. You understand?
I mentioned both, and said are issues associated with your condition. Clearly indicating they were separate things. I could have listed the other symptoms too if that would have made it clearer for you, but you again struggle with reading comprehension. And while I do think you suffer from delusions it is your disorganized thinking that is probably the most prevalent issue you suffer from.
You still don’t know the meaning of that word.
I was speculating nothing of the sort? Not sure how you reached that conclusion. And technically it could be both? You could be hallucinating that you’re actually seeing a therapist or hearing one. Or you could be deluded into think they’re laughing at you. Either way I never claimed either of those happened?
An interesting deflection.
But I didn’t say that? You can’t even remember the vocabulary we discussed in the past. And the issue is you’re using those words improperly, they simply don’t mean whatever your brain is telling you they mean.
Another one that makes no sense. They find me too easy to troll, so they move on until they find you? Crazy (literally).
No, there isn’t “a lot” of people that have this issue, no matter how much your mind tells you there is. And they’re not being “possessive” over you lol, they’re trolling that is it.
You absolutely speculated me seeing my therapist could be a delusion. This is a p8 topic…we dont need possessive uneducated mental health misinformation involved in discussing have a pX function. Seeing a therapist isnt a delusion or a hullucination conceptualizing that is you over reacting in a petty and antagositic way. Which you will stop doing.
Anything can be convulsive even behaviours.
It is convulsive mentally and emotionally to insult someones disability because they have a different opinion then you.
Speculating by assuming i cannot tell the difference between a therapist and a hullucination. Thats not how schizophrenia works.
Have you? Just be honest alot of my ex girlfriends where arrested for domestic violence against me it seems eerily similiar
It was well over 6 months ago bro…you gotta get a grip and calm down. Why dont you tell me what those two words where that initially upset you. Let me know
Easy to troll yes. But obviously you are sensitive and non confrontational. Thats why people would be less focused on you. Like you wouldnt be a good fight anyway type of deal
Its the majority of people yea actually except like 5 people who get clingy on any posts that are similiar to this one
I mean in your case how would you even know? Seeing one in your situation very well could be either of those in your case.
Can a potato be convulsive? How about a bar of soap? Again you followed up by you misusing the word again.
I mean it is tho?
Bro again with another one? You’ve seriously had the most unlucky life of almost any human possible. Yes, some have faced far worse tragedies overall. But apparently the world has just ran you over lmfao. And yet somehow you fail to realize that perhaps some of these things just didn’t actually happen the way your brain thinks they did. Clearly delusional.
Because they’re easy to beat, something that anyone can do, but somehow you struggle with.
Lmao, anyone who tries this hard to get his meaningless point across in an inconsequential video game is straight up a 50 year old virgin. It also is in complete contradiction with the image that he attempts to portray. Absolutely sad…
Just by seeing her with my eyes is how? I dont hulucinate getting in my car and driving to a clinic.
I use my eyes? I never had an interactive visual hullucination since ive had schizophrenia. You have an extreme fetishized conceptualization of it.
I dont know i guess scientiffically you could cause potatos to grow convulsively. This is not a potato though this is you convulsively insulting me as an excuse for your emotions.
What experience or education to you have regarding schizophrenia? Be honest
Im not unlucky son im fully aware of how possessive people are. I guess the only thing that makes me different is im not hurt mentally to describe the stuff that happens to me or around me. Like i said though it goes for other patrons in my games as well. So do you have a domestic violence record or no?
I have killed them before but it doesnt stop them from doing what they do. Not that i should have to. Like im explaining there is a large population of the game who grief who are extremely sad just when they see someone enjoying the game. Its a fact
Didnt you say your wife was a therapist or something and she was supporting you insulting my disability or something silly like that lol. This community and the world is better because i put you both in your place