Hardcore is dead can we get players 8 to sustain our xp gains?

He’s just testing the waters, seeing if anyone is listening…

He’s an expert… What else is there to do under a bridge? :smiling_imp:


Please refrain from your possessive gatekeeping and keep your dignity in tact when i express my logical opinions

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i dont understand how this post upsets you man i just want the freedom to be alone and benefit from that on battlenet

“tea pot” maze:

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please keep my posts on topic

using a bot to troll my posts again??

Well, this is boring… Goodnight.

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keep it off my threads

Are you really having that difficult time processing your memory from like a month ago? Holy cow you can’t keep basic short term memory straight, you need help not more video games!

You mean when you populated my thread until you got suspended?

You were the one that got the ban, not him. :clown_face:

I estimate you have about 36h until you go on your next unhinged tirade that will get you suspended. Until than we’ll enjoy the circus.

i just told someone to be quiet…it wasnt a “unhinged tirade” You guys shouldnt be speaking in peoples threads if its this unproductive. You understand??

What can be productively discussed on this topic that hasn’t been debunked multiple times in the last 20 years?

Do you think you are bringing new things to the table? No. Just the same entitled requests.

Come on…time for another meltdown so we can get rid of you again, once the ban hammer falls.

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Huh? I never got banned. They removed a bunch of both our posts and suddenly you stopped posting and I was still here. Sadly, I don’t think your reality comes close to anyone else’s on this forum except for maybe Turlok but he got a ban at the same time as you, perhaps his is longer.

i tried to tell him this, in which he told me that this is in fact a good topic to discuss. (his OP is like half a sentence lol, super thought out) …

yet i’m the troll. bringing nothing to the table. i mean, if there was something actually that we can discuss sure. but the forum is mostly just to talk to noobs about builds they are doing for the first time. anything else like changes to the game. aren’t really helping anything imo.

and to claymore - see look, no one ACTUALLY wants to discuss with you, like others have also said, this topic has been beat to death at this point. nothing has changed. ever. good luck.

Nothing has ever been “debunked” just convulsive reactions. Please keep the spam off my posts. If you cant handle this serious topic. Move on

I wasnt suspended for that it was for something else…my thread wasnt closed either they just stopped you from sending 400 gifs over and over.

You never tried to tell me anything just complained in a condescending insulting way. This topic will be discussef and you wont spam on it

Oh your bitter delusion… no one was stopped, I could have continued to post just chose to stop and many of your posts have indeed been removed and you were given a ban. Everyone could tell you were still checking the forums constantly, your blizz profile tells the public. You sincerely do need to see your therapist wayyyyy more.

That post wasnt removed, you were stopped one way or the other. Please have some reality to back up your words before you patronize people. Whats been happening is people say insulting things then report when someone replies to them in a similiar way. I wont take that kind of cowardly manipulation on my threads