Guys, it's on purpose

The server problems are not an accident. I’ve seen the launch of every WOW expansion, Diablo 3, pretty much all their games for the past 20 years.

They know what their servers can, and cannot handle.

They do not want to invest in more servers than they need long term, so they deal with all the problems of too few servers in the beginning and claim they “didn’t expect it” blah blah. That’s always their excuse, I’ve read about a million blue posts in my life.

They always expect it. They just pretend they don’t and lie to us so they don’t have to purchase double the servers for a games’ initial launch.

Happens every single time.


if true…



maybe someone should tell blizzard that there is a cloud which is scaleable.


It’s less the hardware and more the software infrastructure issues they are running into. You can’t compare this launch with WoW/D3/etc. You can have the fastest, beefiest hardware in the world, but if your server software is garbage it will be unstable and garbage.

Diablo 2 has been running fine for 20 years. They admitted they are using most of the same code.


What a load of Horse%#@!.

Talking straight out of your prune chute.

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I’ve noticed this trend also. They can quite accurately forecast their quarterly and annual projected profits, based on the sale of a game (ie, the number game sales) , but not the needed server capacity?


Believe what you want. Not sure why it’s hard to believe. I’m old and have money.

Any idiot with a functioning memory will remember it’s the same way every single time.


What an infinitesimal thing to say. Many of us have been playing Blizzard games for over 20 years, and have seen countless botched launches. What exactly about that statement is “Horse%#@!”? I hope your other 272 posts have more substance. And please never say prune chute ever again.


Yeah it’s all BS. They have metrics for anything you can imagine, and they still think their “durr, we had no idea, durr” excuses still work.


would be funny to hot cut and paste a bunch of those maintinence posts after launches, i bet the text would look ERRILY similar to the same text in every post over 20 years… “We have an Unexcpected outage due to to many users and user behavior” lol…

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Let me ask you this…Old man (i’m 55)

Lets us use WoW as the example. You are going to make an MMO. It requires servers.

Do you:

  1. buy more server than you think you’ll need
  2. buy exactly the right number of servers you think you’ll need
  3. buy less server than you’ll think you’ll need

So based on your HINDSIGHT, you’ve determined that because of the great popularity of World of Warcraft, and their struggles post launch to keep up with demand, that they do this ‘ON PURPOSE’.

So if I let you run my company, you’d buy/set up EXTRA servers that EXCEEDED expected capacity needs.

Wow was guilty of their own success, and they recovered nicely. Introducing dozens of servers and eventually a subscribership of over 12 million.

Nobody knew they were going to be that successful. They blew the doors off expectations.

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Remind me who wrote the server software ……

Lazy dev then. They have one job……

No one demand them to keep the same code.

No one demand them to be one to one include all the unfixed bugs.

Either they are lazy or too incompetent to update the codes.

Do they attempt to guess the number of servers needed for launch and fail sometimes?


Do they purposely undershoot what they think they’ll need so they can create a 4 week S*(@storm on the forums?

Doubt it.


They sold the game via their own store. You cannot but physical copy of the game on PC.

How can they not know how much capacity!


so what was the point of the beta… server test or talk about a MAMazon?

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You might get a better understanding on how the mistake was made.

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You select secret option #4.

You purchase the amount you project you’ll need long term, and you rent/lease the extra to help with higher load/demand short term.

That’s how a normal company would operate.

Blizzard on the other hand, likes to try to sell you mounts that cost $25. In a game that costs $40.

It’s BEYOND obvious at this point.


For profit, they hire the third party to construct the serve. For product, one time payout can’t make more money for further development. D2R should be like this. It makes sense. D2R is like a tool to enrich the game funs for D4.