Griffon for trapsin

Hello, I read a lot on this topic, but cannot get an adequate answer anywhere. Many says that griffon won’t work for traps as they are minions, but when I use my Amazon’s it increases the traps dmg with 2k. Can someone tell me if this is fixed in d2r, and should I use griffon on my assassin?

No they haven’t changed those mechanics at all since D2LOD. The only thing I could think of is that the helmet you’re currently comparing too doesn’t have +1 all skills, so that’s why you’re seeing a damage increase with Griffons.

Griffon’s +/- Lightning Damage does not work with traps at all, so those stats aren’t really meaningful to Lightning Sentry, but the +1 skills would boost damage. 25% FCR on griffons can be super handy for hitting that 65% FCR Breakpoint for casting Teleport/Mind Blast, most other items will leave you just shy of the BP with 60% FCR, meaning you’d need to add in another FCR item which will most likely make you lose +1 skills somewhere. If you don’t care about your FCR Breakpoints and only want dps, you should see more dmg from something with +2 All/Sin Skills (shako, rare circlet, etc).

D2planner is extremely reliable and has been refined extremely well. I trust it’s opinion on things, very rarely have I found mistakes but when I have, the devs have been very receptive of the feedback and take the time to discuss it on their discord server. If I’m not mistaken they also work in partnership with blizzard in some way (cooley made a video mentioning it recently)
I made a character on here with max-ish stats, and 3 different helms: Shako, Griffons, and a BV with 3x 5/5 Light Facets. Swap the helms around and you’ll see the dmg interactions; for example the BV provides 0 bonus dmg to Light Sentry

And I’ve personally been using the Amazon Basin for yeeeears. IMO, it’s easily the most accurate and detailed “wiki” page for D2. It was setup ages ago, with OG D2, so somethings are outdated now, but it is still extremely reliable and accurate imo.

  • Since damage is applied by the sentry and not the Assassin, +% Lightning Skill Damage and -% Enemy Lightning Resistance do not apply.

Only reason to use griffon’s on assasin if u want to hit certain fcr breakpoint.