Graphics Stretching and Flickering

There are many different textures in the game that stretch to the point of covering the entire screen, or just flicker on and off like crazy. I’m not sure if there’s something wrong with my hardware, or installation but I’d appreciate any help I can get. So far I’ve tried:

  • Uninstalled and reinstalled
  • Updated my graphics card to the latest drivers
  • Tried rolling back Graphic Card Driver versions
  • Updated my Motherboards BIOS to the latest firmware
  • Reset BIOS to defaults
  • Tried a different Graphics Card; P2000 Quadro, still happens
  • Tried a different PCIe Slot
  • Ran it in compatibility mode
  • Using the lowest graphics settings possible doesn’t fix it
  • Capping the Frame Rate doesn’t work
  • Removing/Disabling some overclock settings helped but didn’t fix it completely

nothing’s worked

My System Specs:

Windows 10
Asus Hero 9 Motherboard
Intel(R) Core™ i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz 4.20 GHz
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 TI
Samsung SSD 960 EVO NVMe M.2
GPU sits at 45→50°c during gameplay

Video of the issue:

I’d appreciate any help or ideas. Thanks in advance.

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Wow! It’s like your merc has become a godlike peacock!

For me, running a GTX 1070, I had to downgrade my driver to the v470 branch due to major black-box artifacts. Maybe this will help you.

I’d suspect faulty hardware. You’re video card might be on its way out. If you can try another video card, I would suggest that, but these days getting another card is almost impossible without spending an arm and a leg.

Definitely looks like ‘‘artifacting’’. What are your GPU temps? I’d bet that it’s a temperature issue.

I appreciate the suggestion; unfortunately this didn’t work

This was my thoughts too, but I had a chance to try an Nvidia P2000 from my work; the issue was still present.

stays steady at around 45→50°c, is that high? all my fans are working, and the card is relatively centre with the intake and exhaust fans, no other devices are within 4 inches of it up or down

The Quadro isn’t a gaming card, so I wouldn’t use that to check. Ideally you want to use another gaming card.

One other thing to try, if you haven’t, is to use DDU to completely uninstall the graphics drivers, then do a fresh install. Also, are you overclocking at all? Either the cpu or gpu, or even memory (XMP)? Maybe try setting everything at stock speeds.

45-50 C shouldn’t be causing that then. Like TimberWolf said, is the card overclocked? If so , set the speeds back to default. I wouldn’t try testing with a workstation GPU. If you can get your hands on another gaming GPU, test that out! You could also boot the system up in safe mode and see if that still happens.

When I first built the machine I used the “wizard tweaker” overclocking thing in the ASUS BIOS menu.

The motherboard did die and was replaced since then, and I’ve never ran the “wizard tweaker” since. I have also reset the BIOS to defaults, in theory shouldn’t this have removed any overclocking? I’ll definitely investigate that more.

Edit: I’ve gone through the BIOS settings, disabled everything I could find related to overclocking, and made sure things are running at a 1:1 ratio. I’m not sure if it helped, it seems better at times but it’s still happening. I think I might still have some overclock settings enabled

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