Gold as Trading currency [Suggestion]

Now I absolutely expect plenty of hate here… but I for one would love to see gold return as the dominant currency over runes… because it would be easier to trade with…
This would certainly require something radical to accomplish…

  1. gold in stash / inventory should now be functionally unlimited
  2. Only gold in inventory would drop on death with no actual penalty (assuming you can retrieve your corpse/gold pile)
  3. Gold should also have its text adjusted to include M, B, T, and Q as a suffix wherever available.
    These 3 things would basically required pre-requisites to bring gold back as a standard currency… however they certainly wouldn’t change things alone.

I would suggest the ability to purchase runes with gold AND ‘Blank runes’ (a new item drop designed to limit the number of medium-high runes that can be purchased)
Blank runes COULD eventually be reasonably common, but they should certainly start more conservatively as they are a server-sided adjustable safety-net while gold-find builds mature and gold prices stabilize over the next couple seasons.

As for specifics:
Lazurk sells: El-Thul (1 of each, cost 0 ‘Blank Rune’ and pretty cheap) And a single random rune from pul to vex. for a ton of gold: Pul to ist each cost 1 ‘Blank Rune’, Gul cost 2, vex cost 3.
Qual-Kehk sells: amn-lem (1 of each costing: 0 ‘Blank Rune’ and a good chunk of cash). He also allows you to gamble for 1 random rune from Ohm-ber (10 ‘Blank Rune’ and a Huge pile of gold per roll)

Lastly selling a rune would return 95% of its gold value, and ‘reduce vendor prices’ would only work at 10% the stated value (IE if you had 30% reduced vendor price, it would only reduce the purchase cost to 97% of its original) so selling your runes becomes viable if ‘rune blanks’ become common enough.

D2r is waiting for you. That is the only version that they’re going to make these type of changes in, the original D2 LOD will never get any changes and I’m glad, they need to leave the game alone and go butcher their crappy fraud d2 resurrected into the ground like thay been doing

Is this not the d2r forum? URL literally says ‘d2r/t/’ in it?
that said I do agree to your sentiment, and first/foremost there should be a ‘game version’ list when you create your character…
as for the ladder, that isnt feasible so they should have d2, d2LOD,D2R, and then a HC variant on each.

I wasnt a big fan of many LOD changes… I was mad that I couldn’t have over 80 skeletons/skeleton mages even if they were technically stronger now. I was mad that you had to look up runewords all the time, and how the game became standardized.
I even hated how act 5 always started on the top left and wasnt randomly generated as much as it could have been.
yet other changes were great, and I would still play LOD over Classic.

EDIT: I see it is in-fact not the d2r forum but the classic forum under d2r. my bad.

but why change something if it works well, LOD does not and will not receive any corrections

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rune trading doesn’t work well…
you have to have the specific runes needed to make a fair trade… and since each tier is double the worth… you could be stuck paying 2x or 4x an items value if you don’t have that change… you also have to keep space for it… Ill admit it does have charm for those same reasons but it still feels bad overpaying, especially if the item rolled poorly but you still need it…