Now I absolutely expect plenty of hate here… but I for one would love to see gold return as the dominant currency over runes… because it would be easier to trade with…
This would certainly require something radical to accomplish…
- gold in stash / inventory should now be functionally unlimited
- Only gold in inventory would drop on death with no actual penalty (assuming you can retrieve your corpse/gold pile)
- Gold should also have its text adjusted to include M, B, T, and Q as a suffix wherever available.
These 3 things would basically required pre-requisites to bring gold back as a standard currency… however they certainly wouldn’t change things alone.
I would suggest the ability to purchase runes with gold AND ‘Blank runes’ (a new item drop designed to limit the number of medium-high runes that can be purchased)
Blank runes COULD eventually be reasonably common, but they should certainly start more conservatively as they are a server-sided adjustable safety-net while gold-find builds mature and gold prices stabilize over the next couple seasons.
As for specifics:
Lazurk sells: El-Thul (1 of each, cost 0 ‘Blank Rune’ and pretty cheap) And a single random rune from pul to vex. for a ton of gold: Pul to ist each cost 1 ‘Blank Rune’, Gul cost 2, vex cost 3.
Qual-Kehk sells: amn-lem (1 of each costing: 0 ‘Blank Rune’ and a good chunk of cash). He also allows you to gamble for 1 random rune from Ohm-ber (10 ‘Blank Rune’ and a Huge pile of gold per roll)
Lastly selling a rune would return 95% of its gold value, and ‘reduce vendor prices’ would only work at 10% the stated value (IE if you had 30% reduced vendor price, it would only reduce the purchase cost to 97% of its original) so selling your runes becomes viable if ‘rune blanks’ become common enough.