Glacial trail waypoint missing

Explored all the map in Glacial Trail and no WP was found. Tripple checked if this map was supposed to have one.


Same here, no wp found.

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Try looking for one without a map, I had cases where a waypoint didn’t appear on the map when I first entered the tile.

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I just had this happen to me in current v1.0.66878 with L29 Druid. Finished exploring all of Glacial Trail and no WP anywhere. I switched to L80 Necro, logged into same game, took Glacial Trail WP from Harrogath and it ports me to Glacial Trail next to The Drifter Cavern doorway with no WP around and no way to WP back.


This bug still exists as of patch 2.4. Today I experienced the same thing. But I already had the waypoint from a previous game. When I used the waypoint to get there I arrived at the entrance to frozen tundra.

I can’t post links here but MrLlamaSC posted a video on YouTube about this bug. There’s something buggy happening with map generation sometimes and it got even worse after 2.4. In his video, he was showing off a bugged Underground Passage Level 1 map that had no exit to Dark Woods. Then when you take the Dark Woods WP and try to go backwards to Underground Passage, when you get close enough to where the exit tile should have spawned, the game simply crashes.

I think it’s partially fixed but probably still happening in rare cases.

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Happened right now to me, here’s the full map shown:

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EDIT: this is incredibly and stupidly lame. I can’t even… I’m really frustrated, I find this so stupid I can’t express my thoughts without recurring to heavily vulgar and offensive language.

WHY doesn’t Blizzard allow me to post links normally if this workaround exist?

What is the FRAKKING point???

Report me, I don’t care, if Blizzard were to punish me for these thoughts, I’d consider it a badge of being a normal and sane person.

I think this just happened to me too. Going to Glacial Trail via waypoint just dumped me randomly into the map as opposed to at a waypoint.

video here

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this bug has existed since LOD released in 2001, who knows if theyll fix it

Still bugged.

i was looking for the WP, did all the map and nothing.
so i waited in the game and came with another character from another account
i took the wp and appear somewhere in the glacial trail where there is no wp at all (near the entrance of the drifter cavern)
and it was not a terrorized zone.

so, maybe one day this bug will be fixed lol

Today I experienced the same - wp missing from glacial trail

I just encountered this bug with D2R in single player normal difficulty, latest unmodded D2R version as of this date. Amazing that in all my years of classic D2:LOD I never saw this bug myself, yet here I am in 2024 with D2R and here it is! :smiley:

As old as this thread is, I’m surprised no one has listed a workaround for this issue in this thread… So here goes.

The map generation is based on random number seeds. Errors like missing waypoints and entrances/exits can happen. If you’re playing on, maps are randomized each time, so the fix is simple; start a new game. But if you’re playing offline, by default maps don’t change and are static while you’re in the same difficulty. But there are two options to fix the problem:

The first and easiest option is available if you’ve completed Normal difficulty… Simply switch difficulties, start a game, leave the game, then switch back to your preferred difficulty. This rerolls the map seed, but you’ll also lose your revealed map progress.

The second option is for those who have not yet completed normal. It involves adding a command line argument for D2:R in the launcher to reroll the map seed, which will reset the map, but also clear the revealed map progress:

1: Open the launcher.

2: With D2:R selected, click the :gear: gear next to the “Play Now” button, choose “Game Settings”.

3: Check the :white_check_mark: box next to “Additional command line arguments”.

4: A text field will appear beneath, add the following argument: -resetofflinemaps
(If you already have other command line arguments in the field, simply add a space to the end, then add the above argument.)

5: Start the game. Your map seeds will be randomized each time you start a game, just like they do when playing on

Finally, if you want to go back to where your maps don’t change, simply go through the steps above, but uncheck the box for “Additional command line arguments”. Or if you’re like me and like the randomization of maps to keep a bit of the discovery of the game in place, keep the setting. :slight_smile: